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Thursday, Oct 10, 2024 Yom Kippur 8 Tishrei, 5785
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Pesach- Gratitude- Shavuos - The message for each of us!
Speaker:   Alter, Rabbi Avrohom M.
Series: Hashkafah -Thought
Lecture Details:  So many Mitzvos in the Torah are designed to maintain the essence of Pesach in the Jewish heart and soul, practically implementing its message throughout the year. Every Shabbos at Kiddush we mention the Exodus of Mitzrayim, every Yom Tov too. Teffilin, Tzitzis, Pidyon Haben, Sukkah, Ribis and the list goes on! In fact Exodus of Mitzrayim is mentioned over 50 times in the Torah! What aspect of Pesach can we carry with us daily to enhance our interpersonal relationships and our relationship with Hashem?
Library: Migdal Torah  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 45 min.
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