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Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024 Parshas Bereshis 20 Tishrei, 5785
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Sacks, David
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93 results found. Displaying results 1 to 93 of 93.
Title Speaker
A Guide to Success: Based on the Life of Avraham Avinu  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Advice  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Balak - Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground Sacks, David
Being In Sync with the Ultimate Reality  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Bereishis - Begin Again Now  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Bereishis - In the Beginning  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Beshalach - Becoming Spiritually Mature Sacks, David
Bo - Free Choice Sacks, David
Bo - Truth and Redemption Sacks, David
Chanukah - The Light Behind the Light  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Chukas - Moshe Hitting the Rock or Living in a Spiritual World Sacks, David
Chukas - Permissible Arrogance Sacks, David
Correcting Fatalistic Tendencies in Serving Hashem  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Creating the World You Live In  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Desire - The Vessel for Truth  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Devarim - Falling in Love Sacks, David
Eikev - Divine Light and the Name of Hashem Sacks, David
Elul - Fixing What's Right  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Elul - The Essence of Action  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Elul - When G-d Feels Far Away, But is Actually Very Close  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Elul 2005  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
From Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Halacha  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Heaven  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Holding on to Shabbos  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
If I Believed Yesterday, Why Don't I Believe Today?  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Jewish Spirituality - A Deeper Look  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Ki Sisa - What Was the Test of the Golden Calf? Sacks, David
Learning to Receive  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Lech Lecha - How Will I Ever Know For Sure?  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Life is Confusing  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Living in Real Time  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Managing the Difficult Transitions in Life  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Matzah  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Mishpatim - Hashem's Constant Guidance of Creation Sacks, David
Mishpatim - Transcending Self-Love Sacks, David
Money  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
My Son Moshe’s Car Accident 2006  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
On Human Dignity  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Opening Ourselves Up to Miracles  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Packing Instructions for Life  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Passover Seder - Restoring Order to the Universe  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Pesach - Keys to Freedom  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Pesach - The Seder as Meditation  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Purim - Garments  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Question and Answer Session on Spiritual Issues  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Relating to the Ups and Downs of Life  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Rosh Hashana - Being Something Before You're Nothing  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Rosh Hashana - Your Role in Creation  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Shemos - The Beginning of Exile Sacks, David
Shemos - The Letters Within Your Name Sacks, David
Shemos - We are Formed from Forgiveness Sacks, David
Shemos - You're Never Alone Sacks, David
Shovavim / Shvat - Time of Our Awakening  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Succos - 5766  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Succos - Envy Among Scholars Increases Wisdom  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Terumah - Turning the World into a Mishkan Sacks, David
Terumah - What is the Mishkan? Sacks, David
Tetzaveh - The Belly of the Snake Sacks, David
The First Question We're Asked in Heaven  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
The Mysterious Thing We Call Satisfaction  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
The Myth of Separateness  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
The Nine Days - Parents Inheriting from their Children  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
The Paradox of Omnipresence  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
The Sun and the Moon, and the Nature of Time  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
The Torah, Star Wars, and You  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Tisha B'Av - Taking Responsibility  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Toldos - Keeping the Torah Before it was Given  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Toldos - You Can Change the World  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Tools  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Tu B'Shvat - Integrating the Heart and the Mind  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Tu B'Shvat and the Power of Sixty  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Turning Belief into Knowledge  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Uprooting the Idol Worship of Time  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Vayechi - The Closed Parsha  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Vayeira - A Deeper Look at the Mezuzah  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Vayeitzei - Live Forever Now  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Vayeitzei - The Strength in Silence  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Vayigash - The Five Garments that Yoseph Gave Binyamin  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Vayigash - The Jew and Exile  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Vayigash - The Menorah: Map of the Cosmos  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
We Were Led By Broken Tablets  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Welcome to G-d's Party  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
What Does it Mean to be a Letter in the Torah?  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
What is Jewish Beauty?  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Who Taught Adam to Pray?  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
With the Letters Yud and Hay, Hashem Created the World  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
With Torah, Even When We Lose, We Win  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
Yisro - The Crowns of Mount Sinai Sacks, David
Yisro - Until Hashem Helps Sacks, David
You Are Not Alone: Combating the Power of Amalek  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
You Count: The Torah's Ideal of Numbering  Level: Beginners Sacks, David
You, Me, G-d, and Everything  Level: Beginners Sacks, David



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