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Juravel, Mrs. Chana
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99 results found. Displaying results 1 to 99 of 99.
Title Speaker
A Guide to the High Holiday Prayers: The Torah Readings of Rosh HaShanah (9/13/09) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Asara B'Teves-Our Inner Siege Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Aseres Yemei Teshuva-Our Deepest Regret Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Attaining Happiness: Atypical Methods of Achieving Happiness (11/08/09) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Av-What we are missing Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
B'chol Levavcha-Serving With ALL of Who You Are Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Being A Giver, Being A Taker, Part I - Winter Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Being A Giver, Being A Taker, Part II- Winter Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Bitachon-Building and Maintaining Trust Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Bitachon-Trusting in Trust Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Body Image Through the Lens of Torah (12/22/09) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Building & Maintaining Trust in G-d: The Art of Building and Maintaining Trust (Day of Learning 11/9/08) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Building a Holistic Marriage Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Building and Maintaining Intimacy Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Changing our Thoughts; Changing Ourselves (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (7/1/10) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Chanuka-Enlightenment at its Best Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Chanuka-What's Happy, Why We're Happy Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Chizuk-Hoping While Helpless Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Connecting to Our Fathers by Giving Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Construction to Expansion: "From the Straits I Called Upon G-d..." Part I- July 1, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Construction to Expansion: "From the Straits I Called Upon G-d..." Part II- July 1, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Current Events: Security - Reality or Illusion? (7/4/11) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Current Events: The Internal Kingdom of Edom (7/4/11) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Developing the Attribute of Kindness: Stage by Stage (11/20/11) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
FOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS-Teshuva Means Yearning to Grow Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Giving & Taking part 1 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Giving & Taking part 2 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Growth-Creating My Belief Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Growth-From Constriction to Expansion I Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Growth-From Constriction to Expansion II Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Igniting the Sinai Within Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Internal Modesty Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Judgment: Why is is the Ultimate Favor (8/29/10) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Kabolas Shabbos-Welcoming Shabbos into our Lives Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Knowledge & Development of Self: Evolving into Self-definition (1/17/10) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Living in Today's World: Modesty in the World Today (Day of Learning 5/18/08) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Love and Relationships: Loving Yourself Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Love and Relationships: Tolerating Others Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Love of Hashem - With All Your Heart Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Navi Yehoshua-Letting Torah Lead Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Navi Yehoshua-Rachav, The Power to Grow Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Navi Yehoshua-Setting Priorities Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Navi Yehoshua-True Leadership Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Navi Yehoshua-What is Prophecy All About Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Navi Yehoshua-Yericho-Divine Intervention Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Our Attitude Toward Life Even When It's Not the Life We Want, Summer Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Pesach-Bringing Redemption into Who We Are Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Pesach-The New You Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Prayer: Creating a Mindset, Creating a Bond 1 (Winter Week of Learning 07) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Prayer: Creating a Mindset, Creating a Bond 2 (Winter Week of Learning 07) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Psalm 113 - Hallel Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Psalm 97 - True Happiness Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Psalm 99 - Payday Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Psalms - Making History Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Psalms - Singing When You'd Rather Not Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Psalms 92 - Mizmor Shir LeYom Hashabbat Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Purim Katan-In the Growing Mode Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Purim-Our Role in Redemption Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Purim-Why it's not a Yomtov Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Rosh Chodesh: Leah - The Potential for Turnabout Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Rosh Hashana - A Link to Royalty Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Rosh Hashana-Bridging the Gap Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Rosh Hashana-Making it THE Year Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Seeing Ourselves the Way G-d Sees Us (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (7/1/10) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Sefira-Counting to the Complete You Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Sefiras Haomer-The Focus, The Goals Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Shemoneh Esrei 1-Connecting to Our Avos Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Shemoneh Esrei 3-Finding Kedusha Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Sivan-Deserving the Torah Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tefilla-Vayivarech David-Life's Blessings Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 113-Hallel part 1 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 114-Hallel part 2 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 115-Hallel part 3 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 115-Hallel part 4 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 136-The Greatest Praise Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 145-Ashrei part I Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 145-Ashrei part II Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 146-Personal Praise Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 147-Collective Praise Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 148-Heavenly Praise Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 149-Futuristic Praise Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 150-King David's Final Call Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 34-Purposeful Creation part 1 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 34-Purposeful Creation part 2 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 6-Part 1-Reacting to Difficulty Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 6-Part 2-Living the Life You Didn't Want to Live Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 9-Heartfelt Thanks Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 91-The Strength of Connection Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 93-Clothing Ourselves in Dignity Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 93-Mindset for Moshiach Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 96-Finding G-d in our Work Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 97-What Does Happy Mean Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim 99-What You Can Do for G-d Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tehillim-Our Link to Royalty Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
The Three Weeks-A Lesson in Integration Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Tolerance to Others and Ourselves  Level: Beginners Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Understanding the depths of Life's Opportunities: Textual Study of Psalm 6, Summer Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Wealth and Poverty Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Women in Marriage  Level: Beginners Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now



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