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Friday, May 10, 2024 Parshas Kedoshim 2 Iyyar, 5784
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Smiles, Mrs. Shira
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133 results found. Displaying results 1 to 100 of 133.
Title Speaker
Acharei Mos/Kedoshim - Connection and Commitment Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Awakening of Awe!  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Awakening of Teshuva  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Balak - Two Paths to Hashem: Torah & Tefilah Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bamidbar - Counting as Accounting Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bamidbar - Fire, Water, and Wilderness Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bechukosai - Spirituality: A Heartbeat Away Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Behaaloscha - Shabbos: Oneness with Hashem Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Behaaloscha - The Inner Light Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Behaaloscha: Personal Enlightenment Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Behar/Bechukosai - Lessons of the Land Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bereishis - Creating an Inner Balance  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Beshalach - Closing the Circle Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Beshalach - Shabbat Shira Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bo - Actualizing Faith Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bo - Time: Creation of Self Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chanukah - Dedication and Devotion  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chanukah - Precious Mitzvah  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chayei Sarah - Approaching Perfection  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chayei Sarah - Subjugation of Will  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chayei Sarah - The Grand Finale  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chukas - Staff of Moshe, Prototype of Man Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chukas/Balak - The Well of Miriam Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chukas/Balak - Unqualified Commitment Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Devarim - Dignity of Man Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - Closeness to Hashem  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - Opening the Gates  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - Power of Preparation  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - Time of Desire  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Emor - Sefirat HaOmer: The Inner Count Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Esther  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Fundamentals of Seder Night Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Fundamentals of the Seder Night  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
G-d's Attributes - Kindness Smiles, Mrs. Shira Buy Now
Getting the Most Out of Yom Kippur  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Haftorah Rosh Hashanah - The Unique Three  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Haftorah Yom Kippur - Path of Teshuva  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Holidays of Tishrei: The Inner Connection  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
How Does Elul Prepare Us?  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
How to Put Your Rosh Back into Your Shana  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Ki Savo - Bikurim: Gift of Self Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Ki Savo - Renewal of Life Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Ki Seitzei - Mitzvos: Destiny or Destination? Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Ki Seitzei - Rebellious Son Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Ki Sisa - Lessons of the Broken Tablets Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Korach - Purity of Motive Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Korach - Service of Self Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Korach - Spiritual Ambition vs. Spiritual Striving Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Lech Lecha - Avraham's Trials and Tribulations  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Lech Lecha - Darkness and Light  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Lech Lecha - Upwards and Onwards  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Maasei - Journey of Faith Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Matos/Masei - Midyon: Inner Battle Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Mikeitz - Dreams: Allegories for Life  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Miketz - Brotherhood  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Mishpatim - Jewish Servitude: Bonding to Hashem Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Mishpatim - Tale of the Torts Trial Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Naso - Creating a Spark Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Naso - Life's Setbacks Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Naso - Taking Initiative Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Noach - Chesed: Going Beyond Self  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Noach - Expanding Horizons  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Noach - The Tower of Bavel  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Parshat Vayigash: Wagon Wisdom Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pekudei - Touching the Infinite Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pesach - Fountainhead of Faith  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pesach - Meeting the Divine  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pesach - Sensitivity and Faith  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pinchas - Mesiras Nefesh (Self Sacrifice) Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pinchas - Rosh Chodesh: Rejuvination Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pinchas: Leadership Qualities Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Purim - Matanot L'Evyonim  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Purim - Megillah: Lottery of Life  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Purim - Mishloach Manot  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Reaching Your Potential - Rosh Hashanah  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Rosh Hashana - Living the Covenant  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Rosh Hashanah - L'Chaim, To Life  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Rosh Hashanah - Shofar Blasts  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shavuos and Ruth: Inner Dimensions  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shavuot - Judgement of Desire  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shavuot - Torah: Sweet and Special  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shelach - Beyond the Ego Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shelach - Bracha: Giving and Taking Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shelach - Perspective Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shemini - Individual and Community Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shemos - Seeing is Believing Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shemot - Becoming Great Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Succos - Time of Rejoicing  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Sukkos - Apprehending the Divine  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Sukkos - Bringing G-d into This World  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Tazria/Metzora - The Power of Speech Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Terumah - Revealing Glory Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Terumah - Tabernacle Command Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Tetzaveh - Clothing: Do We Measure Up? Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Duality of the Shofar  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Lesson of Chanukah  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Message of Purim  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Pesach Seder Experience  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Three Weeks - The Two Temples  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Three Weeks - Continuous Crying  Level: Beginners Smiles, Mrs. Shira

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