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Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 Parshas Ki Sisa 12 Adar, 5785
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Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
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44 results found. Displaying results 1 to 44 of 44.
Title Speaker
Avrohom's Renaissance  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Bitter Cheshvan  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
BNM 5-25-08  Level: Beginners Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Chayai Sara - Changing of the Guard  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Chayei Sarah - The Test of Chesed  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Exodus Vayigash Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Haftorah  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Is Your Matzah Getting Stale  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 1-17-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 1-24-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 1-31-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 11-29-07 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 2-21-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 2-28-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 3-13-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 5-22-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS 5-8-08 Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
JPS What Did Moshe Do Wrong? Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Laws of the Three Weeks Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Lot - Good Guy or Bad Guy?  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Bamidbar  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Behaaloscha Where's the Beef  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Korach Get With the Program  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Korach Get With The Program  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Miketz  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Shelach Where the Ocean Meets  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Shemos  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Vayechi  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Parshas Vayigash - Get Me Outta Here  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Passover Model Seder One  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Passover Model Seder Part Two  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Respect for G-d's World Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Rosh Hashona Prep  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Sefiras HaOmer The Ultimate Product Launch Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Shabbos Part One Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Shabbos Part Three  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Shabbos Part Two Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Toldos - When Rashi says I don't know  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Vayeira 1-6-08  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
War, What Is It Good For Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Yaakov or Yisroel  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Yaakov... Before and After  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Yom Kippur - When We All Get Concerned  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia
Yomim Norayim - Crunch Time  Level: Intermediate Weitz, Rabbi Zecharia



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