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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Shuster, Rav Fyvel
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49 results found. Displaying results 1 to 49 of 49.
Title Speaker
A Question of Life and Death Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Allegiance to the Flag Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Being Yourself Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Bread and Circuses Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Catering To Camels - Chessed Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Crazy about Pesach Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Current Events Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Doing the Dont's Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Elul - Shofar Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Escape from Planet "Ich" Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Free As A Matzah Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Funny Money Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Happy New Year? Shuster, Rav Fyvel
If You're Happy 'Cause You're Jewish... Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Inside\Outside Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Introduction to Purim 101 Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Introduction to Slichos Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Mechila - Forgiveness Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Milchemes HaYetzer and the Red Queen Hypothesis Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Mission Possible Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Mixed Fruits Shuster, Rav Fyvel
My Fair Levi - Parshat Korach Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Plus ca change-plus cest la meme chose Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Pre Tisha B'Av Shmuze 5776 Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Purim in Elul Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Remembering Memory Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Rich Bread - Poor Bread Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Selfie Addiction Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Separation with Love Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Stand Alone Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Struggling with our Identity Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Taking the Boy out of Egypt Can Take the Egypt out of the Boy Shuster, Rav Fyvel
The Death of the Righteous Shuster, Rav Fyvel
The King and I: Preparing for Rosh HaShana Shuster, Rav Fyvel
The World Makes Money Go Round Shuster, Rav Fyvel
There is More to Life than Cornflakes and Milk Shuster, Rav Fyvel
These Are The Journeys Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Think Big Shuster, Rav Fyvel
To Feel As A Jew Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Tools For Memory Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Unleashing the Power of the Endangered Child Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Watch Your Head Shuster, Rav Fyvel
What do we DO on Shabbat? Shuster, Rav Fyvel
What Makes Yaakov Run? Shuster, Rav Fyvel
What's Inside Does Count Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Why Did They Worship a Fly? Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Wind Resistance Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Yavan: Why Beautiful? Why Dangerous? Shuster, Rav Fyvel
Your Mission: (Should you choose to accept it) Shuster, Rav Fyvel



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