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Thursday, Jan 30, 2025 Parshas Bo 1 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Sefer Shemos
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

34 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Beshalach - Becoming Spiritually Mature Sacks, David
Beshalach - Closing the Circle Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Beshalach - Shabbat Shira Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bo - Actualizing Faith Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bo - Free Choice Sacks, David
Bo - Time: Creation of Self Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bo - Truth and Redemption Sacks, David
Ki Sisa - Lessons of the Broken Tablets Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Ki Sisa - What Was the Test of the Golden Calf? Sacks, David
Mishpatim - Hashem's Constant Guidance of Creation Sacks, David
Mishpatim - Jewish Servitude: Bonding to Hashem Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Mishpatim - Tale of the Torts Trial Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Mishpatim - Transcending Self-Love Sacks, David
Pekudei - Touching the Infinite Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shemos - Seeing is Believing Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shemos - The Beginning of Exile Sacks, David
Shemos - The Letters Within Your Name Sacks, David
Shemos - We are Formed from Forgiveness Sacks, David
Shemos - You're Never Alone Sacks, David
Shemot - Becoming Great Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Terumah - Revealing Glory Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Terumah - Tabernacle Command Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Terumah - Turning the World into a Mishkan Sacks, David
Terumah - What is the Mishkan? Sacks, David
Tetzaveh - Clothing: Do We Measure Up? Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Tetzaveh - The Belly of the Snake Sacks, David
Vaera - Symbolism of the Serpent Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Vaera - Ten Plagues: Lessons for Life Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Vayakhel - Shabbos: Removing the Mask Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Vayakhel/Pekudei: Bells and Pomegranates Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yisro - The Crowns of Mount Sinai Sacks, David
Yisro - The Experience of Sinai Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yisro - The Initiative of Yisro Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yisro - Until Hashem Helps Sacks, David



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