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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 Parshas Vaera 22 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: CTN Torah Study
Rabbi Doni Deutsch's weekly Torah Study Class on the portion of the week.
Level: Advanced | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

211 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
"Aaron, the Menorah and Us" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"Be Holy" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"Exile & Exodus" and "Emulating the Qualities of Moshe" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"G-d Remembers His Covenant with the Patriarchs" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"Getting Things Done as Planned" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"How to Succeed, Not Just Survive, at Parenting Lob, Rabbi Dr. Jerry
"Judges and Officers You Shall Make for Yourself" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"Moshe Took Joseph's Bones With Him" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"See, I Place Before You Today a Blessing and a Curse." Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"Simcha": Serving G-d with Joy Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"The Adversary: Friend or Foe?" Prero, Rabbi Elisha
"The Big Shabbos" before the Passover Holiday Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"Understanding the Shema" Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
"We Will Do and We Will Hear" and Tools for Spiritual Growth Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
'Sh'ma Yisrael ...' - The Jewish Declaration of faith Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
A deeper look at the Seder Rituals Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
A Sense of Mission Prero, Rabbi Elisha
A Woman's Prayer Nissel, Rabbi Menachem
Abraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Abraham and the Angels Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Abraham Begot Isaac Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Abraham our Father Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Abraham's Tests ... and Ours Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Abraham: The Role Model for Chessed Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
An Eye for an Eye and the Oral Law Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
An In-Depth Study of The Sh'ma - Part 1 Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
An In-Depth Study of the Sh'ma - Part 3: You Shall Love Hashem Your G-d ... Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
And Jacob Left Be'er Sheva Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
And Ya'akov (Jacob) Dwelled in the Land ... Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
And Ya'akov (Jacob) Sent ... Angels Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
B'shalach: Free Will & Spiritual Growth Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Be Holy for I am Holy Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Being A Part of the World ... Being Apart from the World Prero, Rabbi Elisha
Birkat Hamazon - Grace After the Meal Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Building the temple ... Lessons for Us Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Building the Temple: The Symbolism of the Three Contributions Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Counting the Days Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Destroy Amalek ... Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Destroying Amalaik - The External and Internal Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Divine Wisdom: Mystery or Common Sense Prero, Rabbi Elisha
Do Not Profane Your Word Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Einstein, Torah and the Big Bang Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Fasting and the Gift of Yom Kippur Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Free Will Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Free Will and the Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Fundamentals of Judaism from the Revelation Story Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Giving Thanks Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Growth Lessons from Moses ... and from Pharaoh Prero, Rabbi Elisha
Hashem Speaks Harshly to Moshe Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Honest Weights and Measures Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Honest Weights and Measures ... an Elul Message Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
In the Beginning Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Isaac and Rebecca - Lessons for Spiritual Growth Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Jacob - Israel Prero, Rabbi Elisha
Jacob Loved Joseph More Than All His Sons Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau ... and What it Means to be a Tzaddik Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Jacob's Encounter with Esau - Lessons for the Ages Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Jacob's Journey ... Lessons For Us Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Joseph and His Brothers Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Joseph's Treatment of His Brothers Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Knowing What to Value Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Korach's Rebellion - and its Lessons for Life Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Learning from Joseph: Tools to Withstand Spiritual Struggles Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lech Lecha - Abraham's Journey Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lech Lecha: Lessons from Abraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons about Life's Opportunities Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons for Life Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons for Life ... from Noah and the Great Flood Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons for Spiritual Growth from the Exodus Story Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from Abraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from Avraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from Moshe's Mission Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from our Father Abraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from the Story Behind the Story Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from the Story of the Golden Calf Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from the Temple Offerings Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons From the Torah's Laws for the Kohanim (Priests) Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from Ya'akov Avinu (Our Forefather Jacob) Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons from Yisro and the Revelation Story Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons of Leprosy Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessons of' 'Bikurim' - the Gift of the First Fruits Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Lessoons from the Priestly Garments Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Life's Tests Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Make Judges at Your Gates Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Mezuzah: The Law And Its Meaning Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Mishpatim Prero, Rabbi Elisha
More Lessons for Spiritual Growth from the Exodus Story Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Moshe and the Tribes Who Choose Not To Go Into Israel Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Moshe's Complaint to G-d Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Moshe's Mission Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Moshe's Reprimand of the Tribes of Gad and Reuvain Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Mourning on the Ninth of Av Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
My G-d: Guard My Tongue From Speaking Evil ... Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Noach and The Great Flood Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Noah and the Great Flood Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Noah was a Tzaddik Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Noah: The Definition of a Tzaddik Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Our Forefather Isaac Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Aikev Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Bamidbar: Responding To G-d's Love Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Behar: Obligation Towards Our Fellow Jew and the Challenge of Sinai Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Bo: The Exodus Story and Its Lessons about Values Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Chukas - The Sin of Moshe Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Emor - Levels of Holiness and Reasons for Mitzvos Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Kedoshim - Defining Holiness Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Ki Sisa Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Korach - The Lessons of Korach's Rebellion Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Masei- The Blessings Recited Before the Study of Torah Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Pinchas Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Shmini Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Shmos - The Greatness of Moses Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Shoftim - Preparing Ourselves for Rosh Hashanah Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Teruma Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Terumah: Rational and Super-Rational Torah Commandments Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Tetzaveh Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Toledos: “Rebecca was barren … and Isaac prayed opposite his wife …” – The Jewish way of dealing with challenges. Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Vaeschanan Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Vaeschanan 2007 Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Vaishlach: Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau - with Prayer Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Vayaira - More Lessons from the Life of Abraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Vayaishev: Joseph and His Brothers. Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Vayechi - Kindness and Truth: Jacob’s Request of Joseph Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Vo'ayra Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Voayra: Moshe and his Mission Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Yisro - Lessons to Prepare for Our Personal Sinai Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Parshas Zachor: The Battle Against The Internal Amalaik Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Passover and the Deeper Meaning of the Matza Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Pinchas - The Zealot for G-d. Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Pinchas the Zealot Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Plagues, Miracles and the Jewish Calendar ... and Lessons for Life Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Purim and Yom Kippur Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Reward and Punishment Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Reward and Punishment Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Reward, Punishment, Consequences & Our Relationship With G-d. Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Rosh Hashanah: G-d Remembers, We Remember Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Sh'ma 2: Hashem the One and Only Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Shabbat – A Sanctuary In Time Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Spiritual Growth Lessons from Abraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Spiritual Growth Lessons from Jacob and Joseph Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Spiritual Growth Lessons from the 'Nazirite' Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Spiritual Growth Lessons from the Building of the Temple Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Spiritual Growth Lessons from the Egyptian Exile / Exodus Story Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Spiritual Growth Through Desire, Actions & Accomplishments ... and other Lessons from the Life of Abraham Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Successfully Fulfilling a Mission Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Symbolic Lessons for Spiritual Growth from the Temple Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Take Your Seder to New Heights - 1 Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Art of Giving - and Receiving - Rebuke Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Battle Against Amalek Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Binding of Isaac - Abraham's Tests Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Challenge – and the Blessing – of G-d’s Commandments Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Cities of Refuge Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Cities of Refuge ... and Their Lessons for Us Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Counting in the Desert Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Death of Aaron's Sons Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Death of Sarah Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Deeper meaning of the Passover Rituals 3 Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Dynamics of Prayer Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Exodus: The Miracles, the Mitzvahs and the Messages Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The First Fruits ... Elul Lessons Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Gift of Free Will Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Gift of Free Will - Preparation for Elul Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Golden Calf Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Golden Calf, the Satan, and our Spiritual Challenges Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Golden Calf: The Sin and the Antidote Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Greatness of Yisro Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Holidays and the Counting of the 'Omer' Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Imporatnce of Being Grateful Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Jewish Declaration of Faith - Sh'ma Yisrael ... Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Jewish Holidays Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Key to the Redemption Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Lessons of the Mitzvah of the First Fruits Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Lunar Calendar - and How it Connects us to G-d Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Many Levels of Peace Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Meaning of the Seder Rituals Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Messages of Lighting the Temple Menorah Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Miracles of Purim Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Mitzva of Counting Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Passover Rituals 3 Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Passover Rituals and their Deeper Meaning (1) Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Power of (Not) Blowing the Shofar Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Reasons for Doing Mitzvahs Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Rebellion of Korach ... Lessons for Us Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Sabbatical Year Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Sin of Moshe Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Sin of Moshe ... Lessons for Us Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Six Mitzvahs of Remembering Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Song at the Sea ... Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Story of Billam and its Lessons for Life Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Story of Purim and Its Eternal Message Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Temple and the Offerings and Mourning Their Loss Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Ten Commandments Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Ten Commandments Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Thanksgiving Offering Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Tisha B'Av Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Torah and Ecology Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Torah Ecology Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Torah Studies and Self Improvement Lessons Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Tzara'as: The 'Leprous Plague' Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Understanding the Sin of Moshe Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Vayaishev Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Vayechi: Lessons From the Spacing in a Torah Scroll Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Verbal Intimacy: Great Relationships Through the Words We Say Lob, Rabbi Dr. Jerry
We Will Do and We Will Listen Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Welcoming Guests is Greater than Receiving the Divine Presence Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Who are the Judges? Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Why Keep Kosher Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Women in Traditional Judaism - Part II Katz, Rabbi Moshe
You are Children of G-d Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
You Shall Love G-d Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Zealousness Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
“Why Were the Egyptians Punished: The Divine Plan and Human Responsibility” Deutsch, Rabbi Doni



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The Torah learned on this site today should be liluy nishmos
Pinchas ben Avrohom and Shprintza bas Yehuda Aryeh