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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Sefer Bamidbar
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

26 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Balak - Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground Sacks, David
Balak - Two Paths to Hashem: Torah & Tefilah Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bamidbar - Counting as Accounting Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Bamidbar - Fire, Water, and Wilderness Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Behaaloscha - Shabbos: Oneness with Hashem Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Behaaloscha - The Inner Light Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Behaaloscha: Personal Enlightenment Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chukas - Moshe Hitting the Rock or Living in a Spiritual World Sacks, David
Chukas - Permissible Arrogance Sacks, David
Chukas - Staff of Moshe, Prototype of Man Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chukas/Balak - The Well of Miriam Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chukas/Balak - Unqualified Commitment Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Korach - Purity of Motive Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Korach - Service of Self Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Korach - Spiritual Ambition vs. Spiritual Striving Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Maasei - Journey of Faith Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Matos/Masei - Midyon: Inner Battle Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Naso - Creating a Spark Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Naso - Life's Setbacks Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Naso - Taking Initiative Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pinchas - Mesiras Nefesh (Self Sacrifice) Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pinchas - Rosh Chodesh: Rejuvination Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pinchas: Leadership Qualities Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shelach - Beyond the Ego Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shelach - Bracha: Giving and Taking Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shelach - Perspective Smiles, Mrs. Shira



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