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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024 Parshas Pinchas 21 Tamuz, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Ethics on Parsha (Beginners)
This series discusses essential ethical concepts which derive from the Torah, providing practical advice for living a meaningful life. Though the lectures of this series were delivered to women, the concepts and life lessons may be appreciated by all.
Level: Beginners | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

48 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
A Group United: More Than the Sum of the Parts Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
A Wife's Role: Delivering the Reality Check Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Aharon's Legacy and the Secret to Marital Harmony Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Appreciation: An Everlasting Obligation Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Can We Serve G-d for Reward (and How Can We Not?) Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Earning Redemption through Recognizing the Exile Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Eisav's Demise: Wickedness or Insecurity? Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Elul: The Beauty of the Torah Life Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Empathy: Psychological Life Support Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Friendship Before Religion Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Gossip: Distorting Reality with Truth Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Intimacy in the Eyes of the Sages Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Jealousy: The Good, the Bad, and the Deadly Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Ki Sisah: The Parsha of Community Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Love or Narcissism? The Secret to Fulfilling Relationships Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Maintaining Freshness in Our Relationships Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Man's Basic Need: Pleasure or Existence? Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Piercing the Fog: Seeing G-d in the Mundane Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Rachel and Leah: The Dynamics of Yaakov's Marriages Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Relationships Based on Trust Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Relationships vs. Legal Obligations Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Returning from the Brink: How to Properly Use the Past Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Sarah: Private Person, Public Life Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Self-Definition vs. Public Perception Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Serving G-d with Our Evil Inclination Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Shemitta: On the Road to Self-Discovery Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Showing Appreciation Without Fearing Commitment Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Singing and Crying: Fostering Relationships the Torah Way Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Challenge of Parenting Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Curse of Potential Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Distinct Roles of the Father and Mother Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Egypt Dilemma: Admit Your Mistake or Self-Destruct? Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Egyptian Experience and the Dangers of Assimilation Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Genius of G-d's Measured Justice Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Haman Syndrome: Focusing on the Negative Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Husband's Role in the First Year of Marriage Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Importance of Escorting a Guest Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Jewish Court: Bonding with the Judges Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Message of the Nazir: It Could Happen to Me Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Rebellious Son and Instilling Self-Esteem in Our Children Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Red Cow and True Love Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Role of the Jewish Mother Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Sin of Nadav and Avihu: Good Intentions Misdirected Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Unlimited Power of Validation Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
The Women's Mirrors and Outsmarting Pharaoh Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Turning Diversity into Unity Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Understanding the Concept of a Blessing Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now
Yosaif Resists Temptation: Coping with Spiritual Challenges Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan Buy Now



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