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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 Parshas Vaera 22 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Holiday and Other Special Lectures
Holiday shiurim, guest speakers, and other special events
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

120 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
6 Essential Ingredients of Tefilah I - Birchas Avos - Not a Cold Call Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
6 Essential Ingredients of Tefilah II - Gevuros - You've Come to the Right Place Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
6 Essential Ingredients of Tefilah III - Kiddush Hasheim - Prepare to Meet Your Maker Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
6 Essential Ingredients of Tefilah IV - Avodah - We Hope You Enjoyed This Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
6 Essential Ingredients of Tefilah V - Hodah'ah - We Couldn't do it Without You Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
6 Essential Ingredients of Tefilah VI - Shalom - Peaceful Acceptance Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Journey to Change History - The Unique Partnership of Rav YC Sonnenfeld and Rav AY Kook Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Review of Family Purity (Taharas HaMishpacha) for Men Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Review of Family Purity (Taharas HaMishpacha) for Women-Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Review of Family Purity (Taharas HaMishpacha) for Women-Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Acknowledging Illness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Advance Medical Directive.pdf Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
After Pittsburgh Address to Bais Yaakov High School Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Appreciating The Gift of Eretz Yisroel Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Asarah B'Teves: Present & Future Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Being Frum; Being Honest Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Birchas Avos - Introduction to Tefilah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bringing Classroom Learning into our Lives Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Building Character Through Torah - Providence, RI Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Building Values Strengthening Integrity - Conference Jul 2014 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Chananya Backer Shloshim Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Corona Chizuk for Singles Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
COVID - The Perspective of Emunah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Cultivating a Work Ethic, Independence and Personality Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Cultivating Strength of Character Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Daniel's Dreams, Nevuchadnezzar's Dreams Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Emunah: Five Core Principals Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Engaged and Positive Parenting Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Establishing Boundaries in a World With None - For High School Girls Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Fallen Idols - The National Implosion of Character Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Focused Parenting Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Free Will Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Golus Yishmael Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Helping Your Teen Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Herzl and the Rabbis Part III - From Slobodka to Berlin, Rav A E Kaplan and Rav Y Y Weinberg Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Herzl and the Rabbis Part IV - Rav A.Y. Kook and Hamispeid b'Yerushalayim Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
How Important is Integrity as a Moral Value Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Humility Are We Losing It Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Improving Our Davening- Introducing A Framework Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Integrity - The True Measure of Greatness - In Memory of Moshe Esral ZL Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Introduction to Siyum HaShas 5772 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Iyar - Hashem Heals! Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Iyar - Rosh Chodesh Shiur Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Juggling Priorities Family First Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Kibud Av V'aim Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Kiddushin and Kedusha - Part V Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Kiddushin and Kedusha - Strengthening the Sacred Intimacy of Marriage - For Men Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Kiddushin and Kedusha - Strengthening the Sacred Intimacy of Marriage - For Men - Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Kiddushin and Kedusha - Strengthening the Sacred Intimacy of Marriage - For Men - Part III Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Kiddushin and Kedusha - Strengthening the Sacred Intimacy of Marriage - For Men - Part IV Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Learning Torah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Making Our Own Mesiras Nefesh - A Talk to High School Boys Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Malachi 1 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Malachi 2 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Mastering Our Use of Technology Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Meeting the Challenge - The Torah and Moral Leadership Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Memorial Gathering for Menachem Tziyon Adany Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Merkaz - Shemittah Controversy Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Mesilah Event - Financial Strategies and Your Marriage Multiple Speakers
Mitzvah 1 - Emunah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Mitzvah ? - Krias Shema Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
MONEY and Contemporary Jewish Life Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
MONEY and Contemporary Jewish Life Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Moshe Rabbeinu & Rabbi Akiva - Two Dimensions of Torah & Sefiras Haomer - Switzerland Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Parenting and Relationships in the 21st Century Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Parenting in the 21st Century Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Parenting in the 21st Century - Q & A Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Pidyon Shvuyim - Prisoner Exchanges I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Praying for Eretz Yisroel: Yom Haatzmaut 5767 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Priorities in Giving Tzedaka Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rabbi Akiva and Foundations of The Mishna Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rabbinic Responses to Herzl - Part I - Shaliach Hashem or Maaseh Satan - The Satmar Rav and the Eim Habanim Semeicha Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rabbinic Responses to Herzl - Part II - Jewish Nationalism - Rabbi Isaac Breuer of Agudath Israel Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rav Yitzchok Elchanan Spektor Part 1 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rav Yitzchok Elchanan Spektor Part 2 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rav Yochanan & Resh Lakish Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Reflections on the Loss of Two Dear Members of Our Community - Taanis Esther 5777 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Responsibilities of the Baal HaBayis Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rosh Chodesh Iyar- Counting Toward Chametz- A Greater Goal Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rosh Chodesh Nissan- 4 Pesach Points Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rosh Chodesh Shevat - Shovavim - Man, Trees and Freedom Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Rosh Chodesh Shevat: Tu B'shevat- The Beginning Matters Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Sefiras Haomer- Excitement or Mourning? Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shalom Bayis Part 1 - Never Alone Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shalom Bayis Part 2 - Joy in the Home Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shemittah Controversy Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shidduchim Everyone Has a Role Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Taharas HaMishpacha Review I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Taharas HaMishpacha Review II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Taharas HaMishpacha Review III Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Taharas HaMishpacha Review IV Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Taharas HaMishpacha Review V Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Taking Care of Parents: Challenges of the Sandwich Generation Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Taking Responsibility - Speech at Shappel's Darchei Noam Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Teaching Kiddush Hashem - Special Seminar Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Technology and Relationships Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah Yom Iyun - Two Aspects of Prayer (Halachic) Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Choshen Mishpat - The Key to the Mishkan Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Daf Hashavua Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Life Story of my father HKM, Rabbi Benyamin Hauer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Power of Speech - Communication and Community Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Role of Talmidei Chachamim in Completing the Torah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The State of the Jewish People - A Conversation with Chief Rabbi David Lau Lau, Rabbi David
The Torah of Rav Moshe Shapira - Asarah B'Teves - Divrei Zikaron Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Torah of Rav Moshe Shapira - Mitzvah as Torah She-b'al Peh Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Tragedies of Teves - The Torah of Rav Moshe Shapira Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
The Value of Ambition Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Thoughts on Emunah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tisha B'Av 5772 - Evening, Based on The Story of Yeshivas Mir; Destruction & Reconstruction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tisha B'Av 5772 - Kinnos Program, Based on The Story of Yeshivas Mir; Destruction & Reconstruction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Transition Address - Looking Forward, Looking Back Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Trying To Do It All - The Challenge of Being an Orthodox Jewish Father in 2017 - Houston Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Trying To Do It All - The Challenge of Being an Orthodox Jewish Mother in 2017 - Houston TX Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tu bShvat - The Roots of Man Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Two Parts of a Whole - Self Actualization in Marriage Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Two Perspectives on Tefillah Rambam amd Ramban Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tzom Gedalya 5779 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Women in Time Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Yirah - The Structure of Life - Yahrzeit of Rav Binyamin Hauer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Zionism & The Ultra-Orthodox - BT Hauer, Rabbi Moshe



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