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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024 Parshas Pinchas 21 Tamuz, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Yom Hanorim
This profile contains shiurim about the Days of Awe.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

7 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Connecting Judgment and Shofar Blasts on Rosh HaShana Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Preparations for Rosh Hashana-Knowing the Mitzvos Brussel, Rabbi Avraham
Rosh HaShana a Shiur for Women Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Running From Gaiva (false pride) in Elul Brussel, Rabbi Avraham
Teshuva for Rosh HaShana-7 Steps Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
The Power of Yom Kippur Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Yom Kippur: The Main Point is Joy Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak



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