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Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025 Parshas Bo 29 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Women's Institute of Torah Parsha Shiur, 5767
In-depth study of a theme of the week's Torah portion, drawing on primary sources in Midrash and classic works of Jewish thought. Lecture format.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: female

20 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Shemos - Bitachon: A Self Fulfilling Reality Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Acharei Mos/ Kedoshim - Love Your Friend Like Yourself (V'Ahavta Lirai'acha Kamocha) Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Bamidbar - Arks and Caskets Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Beha'aloscha - Desiring Desire Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Behar/Bechukosai - The Tochacha (Curses) - The Second Covenant Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Beshalach - Krias Yam Suf: Beyond the Ten Plauges Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Emor - Sefiras Ha'Omer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Ki Sisa - The Golden Calf of All Things! Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Korach - Korach & Moshe: The Arrogant versus The Humble Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Tazria Metzora - The Creative Power of Speech Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Terumah - The Mishkan Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Tetzaveh - Vestments of the Kohen Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Va'eira - Moshe: Prophet and Leader Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Vayakhel, Pikudei, HaChodesh - Zerizus Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Vayechi - As the Stars of the Heavens Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Vayeitzei - Yaakov, Rachel, and Leah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Vayigash - Yosef's Dreams: Fulfilled Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Vayikra - Korbanos & Pesach Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Vayishlach - Yaakov becomes Yisrael Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
WIT Parsha - Yisro - Torah Only? Hauer, Rabbi Moshe



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