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Friday, Jul 26, 2024 Parshas Pinchas 20 Tamuz, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Philosophy
Philosophy shiurim given at Orchos Chaim.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

11 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Bamidbar :: Korach the Makings of a Rebellion Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
Becoming Holy Through Eating Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Free Choice :: Can I Change the World Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
How to Become a Rebbe Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Judging People Favorably and Dealing with Anger Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Remembering Our Learning Fried, Rabbi Yaacov
Time is a Vessel for Holiness (Kedusha) Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
What About Amalek? Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
What is a Holy Person (Kodesh? Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
What is the Reward for Learning Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Why is Thinking of Sin Worse Then Doing a Sin Flem, Rabbi Chaim



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