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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 Parshas Re'eh 27 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Ashkenaz (Western/Central European) Nusach
Nusach according to the Ashkenaz (Western/Central European) tradition, sung by the chazan and/or choir of K'hal Adas Yeshurun, Jerusalem. (Note: For those items for which both "high-" and "low-bandwidth" files are available, they are really the same bandwidth; the only differences are in the file information; the former is more fully-featured, and the latter is more compatible (e.g., without Hebrew characters in the titles). If you are using Windows Media Player 9 or 10, then you will need to upgrade to a later version, apply the bug fix from , or choose the "low-bandwidth" file (where available).)
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

245 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
17th of Tammuz: Selichos: Pizmon:: Baer Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah, Shabbos, Shacharis, Winter, Kohanim:: Lewandowski (Kedushah) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Avodah:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Avodah; Hodaah; Bircas Kohanim, Kohanim; Sholom:: Shabbos Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Avos: End:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Avos:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Avos; Gevuros, Winter:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Bircas Kohanim, Kohanim:: Shabbos Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Bircas Kohanim, No Kohanim:: Shabbos Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Bircas Kohanim, No Kohanim:: Shabbos:: Netherlands: Katz Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Gevuros, Summer:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Gevuros, Winter:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Gevuros: End:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Hodaah: End:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Hodaah:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah, Shabbos, Musaf:: Netherlands Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah, Shabbos, Musaf:: Netherlands: Sulzer; Maroko Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah, Shabbos, Musaf:: Switzerland Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah, Shabbos, Shacharis; Kedushas haShem:: Shabbos: Shacharis:: Lewandowski (Kedushah) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah: miMkomcha:: Shabbos:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah: miMkomcha:: Shabbos:: Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah: miMkomcha:: Shabbos:: Netherlands: Schlesinger Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushah: Nekadeish; Az bKol:: Shabbos:: Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushas haShem:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushas haYom, Shabbos, Shacharis Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Kedushas haYom: Tikanto Shabbos; uvYom haShabbos; Yismechu bMalchuscho Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Kedushas haYom: Veshamru Vnei Yisroel; vLo Nesato Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Kedushas haYom: Yismach Mosheh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Kedushas haYom: Yismach Mosheh:: Shabbos Parshas Yisro:: Strasbourg Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Sholom, Sim Sholom:: Shabbos: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Amidah: Sholom: End:: Shabbos Parshiyos Shekolim and haChodesh: Musaf Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Amidah: Tzaddikim; Binyan Yerushalayim; Malchus Beis Dovid:: Bein haMetzarim Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Ashrei hoOm Yodei Seruoh:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Ashrei Yoshvei Veisechoh:: Torah Service: Yomim Noroim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: Hachraza, Elul, Days 3 & 4 Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: Hachraza, Kislev, Day 1 Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom:: Cheshvan:: Melody of Learning Halacha & Tosafos Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Adar or Adar II:: Melody of Purim Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Av:: Melody of Lecho Dodi, Shabbos Chazon Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Elul:: Melody of Eder vHod Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Iyar:: Melody of Lechoh Dodi, Sefiras hoOmer Period Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Kislev:: Melody of Maor Tzur Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Nissan:: Melody of Adir Hu Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Shevat or Adar I with Shabbos Parshas Shekalim:: Melody of Parshiyos Shekalim and haChodesh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Sivan:: Melody of Akdomus Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Tammuz:: Melody of Lecho Dodi, Bein haMetzarim, Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholom; Ashrei:: Teves:: Melody of Shnei Zeisim, Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: lChaim ulSholon; Ashrei:: Melody of Shir haMaalos bShuv Hashem Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: Mi sheOsoh Nissim:: (1) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: Mi sheOsoh Nissim:: England Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: Mi sheOsoh Nissim:: Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Bircas haChodesh: Yechadsheihu Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Bircas Hadlokas Neir Chanukoh:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas haMazon: Tehillim 126; Tehilas Hashem Yedaber Pi:: Pesach (instrumental) Friedman, S. (musician)
Bircas haMazon: Tehillim 126; Tehilas Hashem Yedaber Pi:: Sefiras hoOmer Period (with instrumental accompaniment) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Bircas Krias haMegilloh:: Purim:: Frankfurt (Live at K'hal Adas Yeshurun) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas Nisim:: Chanukoh:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas Nisim:: Purim:: Frankfurt (Live at K'hal Adas Yeshurun) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas Shehecheyonu:: Chanukoh:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Bircas Shehecheyonu:: Purim:: Frankfurt (Live at K'hal Adas Yeshurun) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Borchu:: Arvis: Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Chanukoh 1st Shabbos: Yotzros: Meoroh:: Strasbourg Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Echod Yochid: Verse 1:: Baer Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Echod Yochid:: Baer Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Ein Keilokeinu Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Ein Keilokeinu:: (2) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Ein Keilokeinu:: England: Salaman Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Ein Keilokeinu:: Yomim Noroim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Ein Keilokeinu:: Yomim Tovim:: (1) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Elokeinu vEilokei Avoseinu Retzei viMnuchoseinu, Shabbos:: Amidah: Shacharis; Musaf Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Esther (Live at K'hal Adas Yeshurun) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Esther: 6:1: BaLayloh haHu Nodedoh Shenas haMelech (Live at K'hal Adas Yeshurun) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Gadlu Lashem Iti:: (1) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Gadlu Lashem Iti:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Gadlu Lashem Iti:: Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Hadlokas Neiros Chanukoh: Berochos:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisborach:: Shabbos Nachamu through Shabbos Shuvoh: Arvis Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisborach:: Shabbos Parshiyos Shekolim and haChodesh: Torah Service Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisborach:: Shabbos Rosh Chodesh: Shacharis: Torah Service Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisborach:: Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah: Arvis; Shabbos Parshas Poroh: Torah Service Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisborach:: Shabbos: Arvis Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisgadal:: Shabbos Chanukoh: Arvis Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisgadal:: Shabbos Parshiyos Shekolim and haChodesh: Arvis Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisgadal:: Shabbos Parshiyos Shekolim and haChodesh: Torah Service Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisgadal:: Shabbos Rosh Chodesh: Shacharis: Torah Service Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish: Yisgadal:: Shabbos: Arvis Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish:: Arvis: Until before Yhei Shmei, Shabbos Chanukoh; From Yisborach, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Half Kaddish:: Chanukoh Weekdays: Shacharis: Torah Service:: Melody of Shnei Zeisim, Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish:: Nissan: Torah Service Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish:: Shabbos Chazon: Torah Service:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish:: Shabbos Parshas Zochor: Torah Service Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Half Kaddish:: Shabbos: Arvis Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Half Kaddish:: Shabbos: Musaf:: Southern Germany Friedman, Michael (cantor)
HaMavdil Bein Kodesh lChol: Beginning:: Selichos Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Hodo al Eretz vShomoyim:: Yomim Noroim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Kaddish Tiskabal, Yomim Noroim:: Free Choice Melody:: (1) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kaddish Tiskabal:: Pesach: Free Choice Melody:: (2) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Kaddish Tiskabal:: Shabbos Parshiyos Shekolim and haChodesh: Musaf Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Kaddish Tiskabal:: Shabbos: Musaf: Elul:: (1) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kaddish Tiskabal:: Shovuos: Free Choice Melody:: Melody of Akdomus Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Kaddish Tiskabal:: Yahres Kaddish: Simchas Torah Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kaddish: Yisgadal; Yisborach:: Pesach: Half Kaddish: Shacharis; Kaddish Tiskabal: Free Choice Melody:: Melody of Adir Hu Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Kaddish: Yisgadal; Yisborach:: Shovuos: Half Kaddish: Shacharis; Kaddish Tiskabal: Free Choice Melody:: Melody of Akdomus Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Keil Odon: Semeichim bTzeisom:: Shabbos Yoledes and Shabbos Choson:: Copenhagen Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Ki Lashem haMeluchoh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Kinos: 09, Eichoh Yoshvoh:: Melody of Shir haMaalos bShuv Hashem, Shabbos Chazon, (2) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 13, Eichoh es asher Kevor:: Melody of Lecha Dodi, Shabbos Chazon, Japhet Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 15, Zechor Asher Osoh Tzar Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 17, Lecho Hashem haTzedokoh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Kinos: 28, Eish Tukad:: bTzeisi miMitzroyim Melody:: (1) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 29, Etzbeosai Shoflu Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 31, Emunim Shoraru:: bTzeisi miMitzrayim Melody:: (2) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 37, Shomron:: Regular Kinos Melody Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 47, Tziyon Halo Sishali:: Tziyon Melody:: (1) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 49, Tziyon Kechi:: Tziyon Melody:: Netherlands Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 51, Tziyon Menos Sholom:: Tziyon Melody:: (2) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Kinos: 59 (45), Eli Tziyon:: Melody of Lecha Dodi, Shabbos Chazon; Shir haMaalos bShuv Hashem, Shabbos Chazon, (1) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis, Shabbos: 4th Berochoh: from UFros Oleinu until End Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis, Shabbos: 4th Berochoh: from UFros Oleinu until End:: Chanukoh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis, Shabbos: 4th Berochoh: from UFros Oleinu until End:: Shabbos Parshiyos Shekolim and haChodesh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis, Shabbos: Shema 4th Berachoh: Middle and End:: Middle, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah:: Lewandowski, composite voice;; End:: Chanukoh Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis, Shabbos: Shema 4th Berachoh: Middle and End:: Middle, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah:: Lewandowski, single voice;; End:: Chanukoh Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: 3rd Berochoh: from HaMaavir Bonov until before Mi Chomochoh:: Shabbos:: Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: 3rd Berochoh: from HaMaavir Bonov until End:: Shabbos Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: 3rd Berochoh: from Mi Chomochoh until End:: Shabbos Choson:: Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: 3rd Berochoh: from Mi Chomochoh until End:: Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: 4th Berochoh: from UvTzeil Knofecho until before Ufros Oleinu:: Shabbos Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: 4th Berochoh: from VHogein baAdeinu until before UFros Oleinu:: Shabbos in Elul; Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah; Shabbos Choson:: Lewandowski:: composite voice Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: 4th Berochoh: from VHogein baAdeinu until before UFros Oleinu:: Shabbos in Elul; Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah; Shabbos Choson:: Lewandowski:: single voice Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Arvis: Shema 3rd Berochoh: End:: Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Shacharis: 1st Berochoh, Shabbos with Ofan: VhaChayos Yshoreiru Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Shacharis: 1st Berochoh: End:: Chanukoh 1st Shabbos, Following Meoroh:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Shacharis: 3rd Berochoh: Al hoRishonim:: Sefiras hoOmer Period; Bein haMetzarim:: Strasbourg Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Shacharis: 3rd Berochoh: from miMitzrayim Gealtonu until before Shiroh Chadoshoh:: Pesach Day 7; Shabbos Parshas Beshalach Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Shacharis: 3rd Berochoh: from miMitzrayim Gealtonu until End:: Pesach Day 7; Shabbos Parshas Beshalach Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Krias Shema and its Berochos, Shacharis: 3rd Berochoh: from Shiroh Chadoshoh until End:: Bris Milah:: Strasbourg Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Lecho Hashem haGeduloh:: (1) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Lecho Hashem haGeduloh:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Lecho Hashem haGeduloh:: Lewandowski:: composite voice Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Lecho Hashem haGeduloh:: Lewandowski:: single voice Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Lechoh Dodi: from before Bo'i vSholom:: Chanukoh:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Lechoh Dodi:: Bein haMetzarim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Lechoh Dodi:: Bein haMetzarim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Lechoh Dodi:: Sefiras hoOmer Period Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Lechoh Dodi:: Shabbos Chazon Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Mogein Ovos:: Shabbos Chazon:: Netherlands Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Motzaei Shabbos: Arvis: Shir HaMa'alos Ashrei Kol, Japhet K'hal Adas Yeshurun, Jerusalem, Choir
Neiloh: Selichos: Ovadnu meiEretz Tovoh; Goloh Achar Goloh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Neiloh: Selichos: Pesach Lonu Shaar; HaYom Yifneh; Ono Keil No Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Pesach Day 1: Krovos: Musaf: Gevuros: Tal Tein Lirtzos Artzecho; Mashiv hoRuach uMorid haTal Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Pesach Day 1: Yotzros: Geuloh (Brach Dodi) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Purim: Megillah Reading: Berochos Before: 1st and 2nd:: Frankfurt (Live at K'hal Adas Yeshurun) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Sefiras hoOmer Period: Yotzros: Zulas: 1st Shabbos:: Strasbourg Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 004, BMotzoei Menuchoh: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 014, Yisroeil Nosha Bashem: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 019, Hashem Shmo'oh: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 024, Hashem Hashem Keil Rachum: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 029, Im Avoneinu Onu Vonu: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 034, Lecho Hashem haTzedokoh Tilboshes: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 075, Roei Yisroeil Haazinoh: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: 105, Ki Hinei Chachomer: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Adonei hoAdonim: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Choneinu Hashem Choneinu: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Enkas Mesaldecho: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Keil Melech Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Ki lo al Tzidkoseinu Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Vayavor Hashem Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Zechor Bris Avrohom Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Selichos: Zechor Lonu Bris Ovos: Beginning Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Arba Parshiyos: Krovos: Shacharis: Kedushoh: Chai vKayom Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Arba Parshiyos: Krovos: Shacharis: Kedushoh: Siluk: UvChein uLecho Saaleh Kedushoh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Arba Parshiyos: Krovos: Shacharis: Kedushoh: Yimloch Hashem; VAtoh Kodosh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos before Shovuos; Shabbos Chazon: Yotzros: Zulas:: Strasbourg Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Nachamu: Yotzros: Ofan:: Strasbourg Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Parshas Shekolim: Krovos: Musaf: Avos: End Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Parshas Shekolim: Krovos: Musaf: Hodaah: End Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Parshas Shekolim: Krovos: Musaf: Sholom: End Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Parshas Shekolim: Krovos: Shacharis: Kedushoh: Mi Yuchal Leshaeir Kol haPekudim (Melody for Krovos Preceding Chai vKayom) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Parshas Shekolim: Krovos: Shacharis: Kedushoh: Teifen bOn Pid (Regular Krovos Melody) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos Parshas Shekolim: Krovos: Shacharis: Kedushoh: Tizkor lHaalos (Melody for Krovos Preceding Yimloch Hashem) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Beracha Me'ein Sheva: Baruch Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Beracha Me'ein Sheva: Magein Avos Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Beracha Me'ein Sheva: Magein Avos, Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Beracha Me'ein Sheva: Magein Avos, Netherlands Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Beracha Me'ein Sheva: Retzei Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Borchu, Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Half Kaddish: from Yisborach, Shabbos Nachamu through Shabbos Shuva Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Half Kaddish: from Yisborach, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Half Kaddish: until before Yhei Shmei, Shabbos Parshiyos Shekalim and HaChodesh; from Yisborach, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Kaddish Tiskabal Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Kaddish Tiskabal: from Oseh Sholom, Alternate Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Shema 1st Beracha End Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Shema 2nd Beracha End Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Shema 4th Beracha Middle and End Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Shema 4th Beracha: Middle, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah, Lewandowski, composite voice; End, Regular Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Shema 4th Beracha: Middle, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah, Lewandowski, composite voice; End, Shabbos Parshiyos Shekalim and HaChodesh Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Shema 4th Beracha: Middle, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah, Lewandowski, single voice; End, Regular Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Shema 4th Beracha: Middle, Shabbos with Two Sifrei Torah, Lewandowski, single voice; End, Shabbos Parshiyos Shekalim and HaChodesh Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Vaychulu Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Veshamru, France Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Veshamru, Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Veshamru, Netherlands, Naumbourg Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Arvis: Veshamru: until before Beini, K'hal Adath Jeshurun New York; from Beini, Shabbos Parshiyos Shekalim and HaChodesh Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Hashem Malach Geius Lavaish, Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Lecha Dodi, Japhet (2) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Lecha Dodi, Japhet (8) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Lecha Dodi, Lewandowski (Kol Rina uTefila #5) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Lecha Dodi, Lewandowski (Kol Rina uTefila #7) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Lecha Dodi, Lewandowski (Toda uZimra #9) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Tzaddik Katamar, Japhet Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Tzaddik Katamar, Lewandowski, harmony (2nd voice) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Tzaddik Katamar, Lewandowski, harmony (3rd voice) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shabbos: Kabbolos Shabbos: Tzaddik Katamar, Lewandowski, melody Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Shevorim Kernberg, Michoel (Shofor)
Shoshanas Yaakov:: Baer Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehilas Hashem Yedaber Pi; Vaanachnu Nvorech Koh:: Torah Service: Yomim Noroim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 118:1–4:: Pesach Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 144:: Motzaei Shabbos Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 149: from Romemos Keil biGronom until End; Tehillim 150; Boruch Hashem lOlom:: Bris Milah:: Frankfurt Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 150; Boruch Hashem lOlom:: Shabbos Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 150; Boruch Hashem lOlom:: Weekdays Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 24: from Seu Sheorim Rosheichem vHinosu until End:: Torah Service: Yomim Noroim Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 67:: Motzaei Shabbos Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Tehillim 92: from Tzaddik kaTomor until End:: Kabbolas Shabbos:: (1) Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Tehillim 92–93:: Kabbolas Shabbos: Shabbos Chazon:: Melody of Lechoh Dodi, Shabbos Chazon, Japhet Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Tekioh Kernberg, Michoel (Shofor)
Tekioh; Shevorim-Teruoh; Tekioh Kernberg, Michoel (Shofor)
Tekioh; Shevorim; Tekioh Kernberg, Michoel (Shofor)
Tekioh; Teruoh; Tekioh Kernberg, Michoel (Shofor)
Teruoh Kernberg, Michoel (Shofor)
UVnuchoh Yomar:: Yomim Noroim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Vayehi biNsoa hoOron:: (1) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Vayehi biNsoa hoOron:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Vayehi biNsoa hoOron:: Lewandowski Friedman, Michael (cantor)
VeChoros imo haBris; Shiras haYam:: Bris Milah Friedman, Michael (cantor)
VeHu Rachum; Borchu:: Arvis: Motzaei Shabbos: Selichos Period; Motzaei Pesach Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
VeHu Rachum; Borchu:: Motzaei Shabbos Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
VeHu Rachum; Borchu:: Motzaei Shabbos: Elul before Selichos Period Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Veshomru: from Beini until End:: Shabbos Parshiyos Shekolim and haChodesh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Veshomru: from Ki Sheishes until End:: Shabbos Chanukoh Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Veshomru: until before Beini:: (1) Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Veshomru: until before Ki Sheishes:: Dunajewsky Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Veshomru:: Until before Ki Sheishes, Dunajewsky;; From Ki Sheishes, Shabbos Chanukoh Friedman, Michael (Cantor)
Yehalelu es Sheim Hashem:: Yomim Noroim:: Japhet Friedman, Michael (cantor)
Yigdal:: (1) K'hal Adas Yeshurun, Jerusalem, Choir



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