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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 Parshas Shoftim 28 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Jewish Law and Ethics
Lectures that were presented for CLE (Continuing Legal Education) in Judaic Law
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

13 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
A Tale of Two Cities Becher, Rabbi Mordechai
Gun Ownership In Jewish Law Becher, Rabbi Mordechai
Guns and Moses Part 1- The Second Amendmant in American Law Greenstein, Professor Richard
Guns and Moses Part 2- A Jewish Perspective on Gun Control and Self Defence Becher, Rabbi Mordechai
Guns and Moses Part 3- Standing Up Against Evil vs. Pacifism and Truning the Other Cheek Becher, Rabbi Mordechai
How Minor Are Minors? Becher, Rabbi Mordechai
Is Teaching Intelligent Design in the Classroom Constitutional? Perlberger, Mr. Naphtali
Jewish Ethics and The American Legal System Zwiebel, Rabbi Chaim Dovid
Personal Injury In Jewish Law Aidman, Mr. Evan
Peta vs. Shechita Becher, Rabbi Mordechai
The Argument for Intelligent Design Presby, Dr. Herman
The Ethical Business Traveler Biberfeld, Rabbi Yechiel and Kurland Esq., David
The Ethical Principle Seinfeld, Rabbi Alexander



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