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Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 Parshas Mishpatim 20 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Holidays
Level: Beginners | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

66 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Awakening of Awe! Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Awakening of Teshuva Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chanukah - Dedication and Devotion Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chanukah - Precious Mitzvah Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Chanukah - The Light Behind the Light Sacks, David
Days of Awe - 13 Attributes of Mercy Berkovits, Rabbi Yitzchak
Elul - Closeness to Hashem Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - Fixing What's Right Sacks, David
Elul - Opening the Gates Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - Power of Preparation Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - The Essence of Action Sacks, David
Elul - Time of Desire Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Elul - When G-d Feels Far Away, But is Actually Very Close Sacks, David
Elul 2005 Sacks, David
Esther Smiles, Mrs. Shira
From Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur Sacks, David
Fundamentals of the Seder Night Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Getting the Most Out of Yom Kippur Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Haftorah Rosh Hashanah - The Unique Three Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Haftorah Yom Kippur - Path of Teshuva Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Holidays of Tishrei: The Inner Connection Smiles, Mrs. Shira
How Does Elul Prepare Us? Smiles, Mrs. Shira
How to Put Your Rosh Back into Your Shana Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Matzah Sacks, David
Passover Seder - Restoring Order to the Universe Sacks, David
Pesach - Fountainhead of Faith Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pesach - Keys to Freedom Sacks, David
Pesach - Meeting the Divine Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pesach - Sensitivity and Faith Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Pesach - The Seder as Meditation Sacks, David
Purim - Garments Sacks, David
Purim - Matanot L'Evyonim Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Purim - Megillah: Lottery of Life Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Purim - Mishloach Manot Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Reaching Your Potential - Rosh Hashanah Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Rosh Hashana - Being Something Before You're Nothing Sacks, David
Rosh Hashana - Living the Covenant Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Rosh Hashana - Your Role in Creation Sacks, David
Rosh Hashanah - L'Chaim, To Life Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Rosh Hashanah - Shofar Blasts Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shavuos and Ruth: Inner Dimensions Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shavuot - Judgement of Desire Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Shavuot - Torah: Sweet and Special Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Succos - 5766 Sacks, David
Succos - Envy Among Scholars Increases Wisdom Sacks, David
Succos - Time of Rejoicing Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Sukkos - Apprehending the Divine Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Sukkos - Bringing G-d into This World Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Duality of the Shofar Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Lesson of Chanukah Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Message of Purim Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Nine Days - Parents Inheriting from their Children Sacks, David
The Pesach Seder Experience Smiles, Mrs. Shira
The Three Weeks - The Two Temples Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Three Weeks - Continuous Crying Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Tisha B'Av - Holiday of Distance Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Tisha B'Av - Introspective Mourning Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Tisha B'Av - Taking Responsibility Sacks, David
Tu B'Shvat - Integrating the Heart and the Mind Sacks, David
Tu B'Shvat and the Power of Sixty Sacks, David
Yom Kippur - Breaking of the Vessels Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yom Kippur - Self Improvement Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yom Kippur - Symbolism of the Goats Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yom Kippur - The Eye of the Needle Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yom Kippur - Unearthing the Light Smiles, Mrs. Shira
Yom Kippur and Purim: Fasting and Feasting Smiles, Mrs. Shira



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