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Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 Parshas Yisro 17 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Philosophy
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

242 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Attaining the Gift of Happiness (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/28/10) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Beyond Acceptance of the Unchangeable (8/6/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beyond Forgiveness: The Active Approach (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (06/30/10) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Binah as One of the Three Types of Wisdom (6/12/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Binah: The Vision of Women Throughout Tanach (6/12/11) Neuburger, Rebbetzin Peshie Buy Now
Binah: The Wisdom of Discerning (6/12/11) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Binah: Women Changing the World via Binah (6/12/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Blessings: Understanding the Concepts - Part 1of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Blessings: Understanding the Concepts - Part 2 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Blessings: Understanding the Concepts - Part 3 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Challenges: Personal Tests - Part 1 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Challenges: Personal Tests - Part 2 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Challenges: Understand Why We Have Them Viener, Rabbi Yosef Buy Now
Challenging Relationships (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/29/10) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Changing our Thoughts; Changing Ourselves (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (7/1/10) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Communication: Ensuring a Solid Connection with Static on the Line: A Textual Study of Selected Communications in Tanach (2/6/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Communication: Speech: The Power to Create, The Power to Destroy (2/6/11) Kalazan, Mrs. Ivy Buy Now
Communication: Speech: Turning Superficial Connections into Deep-Rooted Ones (2/6/11) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Communications: Honesty in Communication: Are There Allowances? (2/6/11) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Compassion After Pain (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (7/1/10) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Consequences of the Sin of First Man, Part I Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Consequences of the Sin of First Man, Part II Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Consequences of the Sin of First Man, Part III Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Current Events: Introduction (7/3/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Current Events: Security - Reality or Illusion? (7/4/11) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Current Events: The Internal Kingdom of Edom (7/4/11) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Current Events: The National - The Role and Place of the Jewish Nation, Part 1 (7/4/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Current Events: The National - The Role and Place of the Jewish Nation, Part 3 (7/5/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Current Events: The National - The Role and Place of the Jewish Nation, Part 4 (7/7/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Current Events: The Origin of Man's Struggle for Autonomy, Part 1 (7/6/11) Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Current Events: The Origin of Man's Struggle for Autonomy, Part 2 (7/6/11) Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Current Events: The Personal - Our Generation, Part 1 (7/3/11) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Current Events: The Personal - Our Generation, Part 3 (7/7/11) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Current Events: Yishmael - Strenghs, Challenges and How We can Overcome Them, Part 1 (7/5/11) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Current Events: Yishmael - Strenghs, Challenges and How We can Overcome Them, Part 2 (7/7/11) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Current Events: Yishmael - Strenghs, Challenges and How We can Overcome Them, Part 3 (7/6/11) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Decisions I: Decisions as the Specialty of Man and the Definition of a Good Decision (10/6/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Decisions II: Overcoming Subjectivity in Making Decisions (10/13/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Decisions III: Factors that Affect our Choices: The Bad Inclination (10/20/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Decisions IV: The Good Inclination and the Interaction between the Good and the Bad (10/27/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Decisions V: External Factors that Affect our Decisions (11/3/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Decisions VI: When We Make Wrong Decisions (11/10/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Decisions VII: Divine Help in Decision Making (11/17/10) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Decisions VIII: Bad Decisions with Irrevocable Effects (12/08/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Developing Love (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (06/30/10) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Developing the Attribute of Kindness: Stage by Stage (11/20/11) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Dimensions of History Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Dimensions of Man Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Dimensions of Physical Reality Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Divine Providence - Part 1 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Divine Providence - Part 2 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Divine Providence - Part 3 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Divine Providence - Part 4 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Divine Providence: When G-d's Presence is Clear Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Education - In Our Times Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Education and Growth Kaisman, Mrs. Yael Buy Now
Education and the Jewish Woman Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Education: The Responsibilities of Teachers and Parents (8/4/09) Newman, Mrs. Chaya Buy Now
Eishes Chayil: Woman of Valor (Proverbs 31) Part VII (3-18-09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Faith: 13 Principles Maschiach Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Faith: 13 Principles Reward and Punishment Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Faith: The 13 Principles of Maimonides - Belief in G-d Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Faith: The 13 Principles of Maimonides - Preface Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Faith: The 13 Principles of Maimonides - The Incorporeal Creator Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Faith: The 13 Principles of Maimonides - Unity of G-d Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Fear of G-d (5/22/08) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Free Choice - Part 1 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Free Choice - Part 2 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Free Choice - Part 3 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Free Choice - Part 4 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Free Choice: Are We Really Free to Choose? Part 1 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Free Choice: Are We Really Free to Choose? Part 2 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
G-d's Attributes - Justice Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
G-d's Attributes - Kindness Smiles, Mrs. Shira Buy Now
G-d's Attributes - Mercy Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving and Taking - Part 1 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving and Taking - Part 2 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving and Taking: Further Insights - Part 1 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving and Taking: Futher Insights - Part 2 of 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving of the Torah - A Change in the Course of History Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving of the Torah - Eternal Effects - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving of the Torah - Eternal Effects - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving of the Torah - Eternal Effects - Part 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Giving of the Torah: A Day of Heavenly Joy Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Givng and Receiving: Finding the Right Balance (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/27/10) ) Greenblatt, Mrs. Debbie Buy Now
Grace After Meals/ Bircas Hamazon Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Handling Difficult Relationships - Handling a Difficult Partner: The Story of Avigayil Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Handling Difficult Relationships - Parents and Children: Overcoming Inter-generational Difficulties - Part 1 Milstein, Rabbi Yerachmiel Buy Now
Handling Difficult Relationships - Parents and Children: Overcoming Inter-generational Difficulties - Part 2 Milstein, Rabbi Yerachmiel Buy Now
Hashem's Knowledge of and Interaction with Humanity Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
High Holiday Preparation - Tefilah Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
High Holiday Preparation - Teshuva Wasserman, Rebbetzin Rivka Buy Now
High Holiday Preparation - Tzedaka Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Humility and Godliness? (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/28/10) Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Individual and Community - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Individual and Community - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Inner Dimensions - The Special Relationship Between Women and the Inner Realm Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Insights into beraishit: Avrohom as a Partner with G-d in the Story of Sodom (3/8/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Insights into Beraishit: Sarah and the House of Avimelech ( 4/19/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Insights into Beraishit: The Birth of Yitzchok and his Separation from Yishmael, & their Connection to the Covenany between Avrohom & Avimelech (4/26/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Insights into Lech Lecha: The Covenant of Circumcision (1/11/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Insights into Lech Lecha: The Prophecy about Sorah giving Birth to Isaac, and Isaac as the Patriarch of the Jewish Nation (01/25/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Jewish Calendar: Overview of Tishrei, Cheshvon, Kislev (11/16/11) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Jewish Nation: The Chosen People - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Jewish Nation: The Chosen People - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Jewish Nation: The Chosen People - Part 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Justice and Mercy: One or the Other?, Part 1 (A Study of Yonah) (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/29/10) Neuburger, Rebbetzin Peshie Buy Now
Justice and Mercy: One or the Other?, Part 2 (A Study of Yonah) (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/30/10) Neuburger, Rebbetzin Peshie Buy Now
Kindness as the Foundation of Creation and of a G-dly Being (11/20/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Knowledge of G-d, Part I: G-d as Creator, Leader and Protector (Englewood) (11/7/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Knowledge of Hashem, Part 2: Hashem's Oneness (Englewood) (11/14/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Life and Death Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Life and Life After Life - Exploring the Concepts Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Life and Life After Life - Resurrection Twersky, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Life and Life After life - The Messianic Era Hauer, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Love and Fear of Hashem: Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Love and Fear of Hashem: Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Love and Relationships - Developing and Deepening Your Love Clyman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Love and Relationships - The Archetype of Love Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Love and Relationships: Debunking the 4 Myths of Love, Dating and Marriage Clyman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Love and Relationships: Loving Yourself Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Love and Relationships: Preparing for and Enhancing Marital Relationships Touger, Mrs. Malka Buy Now
Love and Relationships: Tolerating Others Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Love of Hashem - With All Your Heart Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Love of Hashem - With All Your Possessions Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Love of Hashem - With All Your Soul Weinreb, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hirsch Buy Now
Making Independent Choices (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/30/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Man's Ability to Bless Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Man's Mission - Ascertaining my Unique Mission in Life Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Man's Mission - Being Happy and Content with my Mission: The Study of Korach Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Man's Mission: Defining your Mission by Establishing its Parameters Clyman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Man's Mission: The 12 Tribes - A Study of 12 Ways of Developing our Individual Potential Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Men and Women: Are Men Really from Mars and Women from Venus? - Part 1 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Men and Women: Are Men Really from Mars and Women from Venus? - Part 2 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Men and Women: Are Men Really from Mars and Women from Venus? - Part 3 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Miracles and Nature - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Miracles and Nature - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Miracles: An Exploration of Different Types of Miracles and ways to make them come about, Part 2 (11/28/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Miracles: An Exploration of Different Types of Miracles and ways to make them come about, Part I (11/28/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Miracles: Chanukah as one of the Four Stages of National and Personal Development (11/28/10) Kalazan, Mrs. Ivy Buy Now
Miracles: Nature and the Nature of Miracles (11/28/10) Greenblatt, Mrs. Debbie Buy Now
Mutual Love Between G-d and the Jewish People Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Opportunities and Challenges Presented By Food Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Oral Law I: The Authenticity of the Written Torah and its Transmissions (10/17/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Oral Law II: The Language of Torah: A Language Unlike Any Other (10/17/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Oral Law III: The Power of Humans to Contribute to Creation (10/17/10) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Oral Law IV: If Rabbis disagree, why can't I follow my own opinion? (10/17/10) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Pleasure: The Torah Approach - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pleasure: The Torah Approach - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer - Psukei D'Zimra (Verses of Song) Hodu (Thanking G-d) (3/7/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer: Hodu/Praise G-d, Part 2 and Mizmor L'Todah/A Song of Thanksgiving (5/23/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer: Prototypes from Torah and the Purpose of Prayer Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Prayer: Psukei D'Zimra (Verses of Song) (1/31/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer: The Nature of the Morning Prayers, Part 2 (12/13/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer: The Nature of the Morning Prayers, Part I (11/08/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prophecy Ovadiah: A G-dly Perspective on the Current Exile (3/2/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prophecy: Isaiah 2 The Realization that will Precede the Redemption (2/2/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prophecy: Ovadiah The Fall of Edom (3/9/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prophecy: Ychezkel 1 The Phenomenon of Prophecy in Exile and its meaning (2/16/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prophecy: Yechezkel 20 Is exile an Abandonment by G- d (2/23/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prophecy: Yechezkel 37 The Prophecy of the Dry Bones (2/9/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Redefining Modesty Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Relationship With G-d: Trust And Human Effort Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Relationships Between Man and Man - Part 1 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Relationships Between Man and Man - Part 2 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Relationships Between Man and Man - Part 3 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Relationships Between Man and Man - Part 4 of 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Relationships: Mastering Your Anger- JRC- June 10, 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Relationships: Parent to Child, Child to Parent- JRC- June 17, 2009 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality - King David's Alphabet for the Next World (Psalm 145) (2/03/10) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality - Psalm 100: A Psalm of Thanksgiving (3/3/10) Kohn, Mrs. leah Buy Now
Revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality - Psalm 114: The Miraculous Birth of a Miraculous Nation (3/10/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality - Psalm 36: The Obstacles in the Way of Materializing our Potential (11/11/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality: Psalm 19 (11/4/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality: Psalm 30 - The Psalm of Chanukah Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality: The Secret of the Inner Strength of the Jewish Peoplem, Part 1 (Psalm 22) (11/18/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Revealing the Deeper Dimensions of Man's Reality: The Secret of the Inner Strength of the Jewish Peoplem, Part 2 (Psalm 22) (12/02/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Revealing the Depper Dimensions of Man's Reality - Psalm 34: Turning Tragedy into a Meaningful Experience Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Reward and Punishment Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Sanctifying G-d's Name - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Sanctifying G-d's Name - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Sanctifying G-d's Name - Part 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Seeing Ourselves the Way G-d Sees Us (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (7/1/10) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Stories of Reb Nachman - 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Stories of Reb Nachman - 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Stories of Reb Nachman - 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Strength: Physical and Spiritual - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Strength: Physical and Spiritual - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Strength: Physical and Spiritual - Part 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Studies in Midrash: The Torah as a Blueprint for the Creation of the Universe (4/14/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Sudies in Midrash: G-d and the Jewish People - Partners in Bringing the World to its Purpose (4/21/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Suffering - Why Do the Good Suffer? Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Suffering - Why Do the Wicked Prosper? Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Suffering: Insights into the Reasons and Logic - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Suffering: Insights into the Reasons and Logic - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Suffering: Insights into the Reasons and Logic - Part 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Suffering: Insights into the Reasons and Logic - Part 4 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ten Commandments - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ten Commandments - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ten Commandments - Part 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The 10 Tests of Abraham and Their Practical Implications, Part I Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The 10 Tests of Abraham and Their Practical Implications, Part II Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The 10 Tests of Abraham and Their Practical Implications, Part III Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The 10 Tests of Abraham and Their Practical Implications, Part IV (12/3/08) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The 10 Tests of Abraham and Their Practical Implications, Part V (12/17/08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Art of Healthy Eating Based on Maimonides' Laws Rietti, Rabbi Jonathan Buy Now
The Art of Prayer: When Hashem says No Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Basis for our Belief in the Authenticity of Torah (5/2/10) Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
The Concept of Mazal (8/5/09) Alport, Rabbi Ozer Buy Now
The Divine and Unchanging Torah Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
The Eternal Torah: How our 3300-year-old Torah can Respond ro Modern-Day Society (05/02/10) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
The Laws of Kashrut and the Philosophy Behind Them Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Mitzvah of Challah Greenblatt, Mrs. Debbie Buy Now
The Morning Blessings - Part 1 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Morning Blessings - Part 2 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Morning Blessings - Part 3 of 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Power of Trust in G-d Greenblatt, Mrs. Debbie Buy Now
The Search for Emes (Truth) (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/28/10) Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
The Unique Challenges of Our Generation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Time is on My Side: "...and a Time for Everything Under Heaven" (12/29/2010) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Time is on My Side: Shir Shel Yom: Monday (12/29/2010) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Time is on My Side: Shir Shel Yom: Sunday (12/28/2010) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Time is on My Side: Shir Shel Yom: Thursday, Friday, Shabbat (12/30/2010) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Time is on My Side: Shir Shel Yom: Tuesday, Wednesday (12/29/2010) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Time is on My Side: The 6 Days of Creation as an Outline of the History of Mankind (12/28/2010) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Time is on My Side: The Difference between Shabbat, Holidays and Rosh Chodesh (12/29/2010) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Time is on My Side: Turning the Temporary into the Eternal (12/30/2010) Kalazan, Mrs. Ivy Buy Now
Time is on My Side: Understanding the necessity and the Working of the Jewish Calendar (12/30/2010) Kalazan, Mrs. Ivy Buy Now
Time, Space, and Man - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Time, Space, and Man - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Torah Greats Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Understanding the Concept of Emulating G-d, Part 2 (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/29/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Understanding the Concept of Emulating G-d, Part I (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/28/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Wealth and Poverty Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
What's Love got to do with it? Part I Fingerer, Rabbi Yitzchok Buy Now
What's Love got to do with it? Part III Fingerer, Rabbi Yitzchok Buy Now
What's Love got to do with it? Part IIII Fingerer, Rabbi Yitzchok Buy Now
Why Emulate G-d: Introduction (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/27/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Women and Prayer Neuberger, Rebbetzin Peshie Buy Now
Yishmael - His War With the Jewish Nation - Part 1 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yishmael - His War With the Jewish Nation - Part 2 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yishmael - His War With the Jewish Nation - Part 3 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now



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