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Friday, Feb 7, 2025 Parshas Beshalach 9 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Fundamentals of Jewish Thought
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

20 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
"Integrated Inspiration": Heart, Mind, and Soul Green, Rabbi Shimon
"You Shall Love G-d ..." Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Bircas Hashachar and Introduction to Pesach Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Dawkins, G-d, the Torah and You Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Einstein, Torah and the Big Bang Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Lessons for Life from the Book of Genesis Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Living Life to its Fullest - Part 3 Katz, Rabbi Moshe
Prayer: Connecting to Your Soul Pavlov, Rebbetzin Holly
Shabbat - Why all the Laws? Katz, Rabbi Moshe
The How, What & Why of Kosher Katz, Rabbi Moshe
The Jewish Calendar Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Mystery of the Hebrew Alphabet Marcus, Rabbi Yaakov
The Oral Tradition Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Seven Wonders of Jewish History Katz, Rabbi Moshe
The Seven Wonders of Jewish History Katz, Rabbi Moshe
The Six Words That Can Change Your Life Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
The Soul and The Afterlife Deutsch, Rabbi Doni
Torah, Individuality and Self Expression Shurin, Rabbi Yitzchak
Understanding Unanswered Prayers: Does a Parent Ever Say 'No'? Nissel, Rabbi Menachem
You Can Choose the World You Will Live in This Coming Year! Bulow, Mrs. Aliza



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