Series: Commuter's Chavrusah Series 7, Sefer Shemos |
Level: Advanced | Age: All Ages | Gender: both |
Title |
Speaker |
B'shalach - The Prohibition of Living in Egypt |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Bo - Chumros in Halacha |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Ki Sisa - The Melacha of Dyeing |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Mishpatim - Wrecking a Borrowed Car |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Sh'mos - The Do's and Don'ts of Naming Babies |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
T'rumah - Taking Out Two Sifrei Torah |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Titzaveh - Conditional Licht Benching |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vaera - Converting a Church Into a Shul |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayakhel / Pikudei - Leap Year and the Second Adar |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Yisro - The Reading of the "Aseres Hadibros" |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |