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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 Parshas Vaera 22 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Rabbi Bronsteyn Weekly Parsha
Level: Beginners | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

511 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
10th Of Teves-History Halachah and Laws Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
A Frog’s Kiddush Hashem Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Abortion-Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Achieving Communal Unity Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Achrei Mos - Life in Kabbalah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Achrei Mos Can I Count The Omer Or Do A Mitzvah In My Dreams Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Achrei Mos Can I Count the Omer or Do a Mitzvah in My Dreams Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Achrei Mos Stages of Child Development and Bar Mitzvah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Achrei Mos Stages of Child Development And Bar Mitzvah Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Achrei-Mos - Car Roof Damage At A Funeral Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Afterlife Experience of Death and NDE Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Afterlife-Reincarnation Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Afterlife-Transmigration of The Soul Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
AfterLife-What Does It Mean to Die? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Applying Rov/Chazakah of one to another Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Artificial Insemination I Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bahaloscha - Confidence Like a Wall Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bahaloscha The Wrong Operation That Worked Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Baila Neuwirth Eulogy 10 Teves 5778 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Balak - How To Be Smart Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Balak Mental Illness In Jewish Law Part II-Commitment to Institution Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Balak-Do Universal Values Exist? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Balak-Mental Illness in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Balak-What Appears Is Seldom The Truth Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Balak-What Appears Is Seldom The Truth r
Bamidbar - Risk Assessment During A Pandemic Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bamidbar The Case of the One Lost Earring and Shevuos Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bamidbar The One Lost Earring and Shevuos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bamidbar The Sense of God's Census Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bamidbar-Guarding The Sanctuary of Ourselves Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bamidbar-Self Confidence Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bar Mitzvah Bracha-Baruch Shepatrani Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bar Mitzvah-Commuity Thank You Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Basics of Eating on Yom Kippur Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bechokosai Cannibalism in Jewish Law Verison II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bechukosai - Torah The Default Activity Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bechukosai War-Laws of the Battlefield Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bechukosai Why does Vayikra end with this Parsha? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bechukosai-Holocaust and Lessons Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bechukosai-The Promise of the World to Come Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bechukotsai Cannibalism in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behaloscha - Kabbalistic View on Proper Nutrition Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behaloscha - Learn To Say “I Don’t Know” Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behaloscha - Pray for the Welfare of the Government Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behaloscha Torah a Beautiful Light Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behaloscha Torah a Beautiful Light Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behaloscha-Resurrection Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behaloscha-Resurrection II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behar - Life’s Slippery Slope Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behar - Life’s Slippery Slope Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behar - Overcoming Difficulty Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behar - Who Should Drink The Water Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behar Israel The Best Place to Live Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behar- One Water Two People Who Should Drink? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Behar-The Sale With A Hidden Value Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bereishis - Sheva Brachos - Simcha Glue Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bereishis Creation of Spiritual Light Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bereishis Creation of Spiritual Light Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bereishis Shabbos-The Purpose Of Creation Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bereishis-Biblical Lifespans According to Rambam and Ramban Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach - How to Become A Prophet Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach - How To Become A Prophet Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach - Ohr HaChaim: Expiration Of the Egyptions Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach - Splitting of the Sea According to the Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach - The Ultimate Medicine Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach Challah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach Polar RegionsThe Moon and Outer Space In Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach The Case of the Stolen Torah Cover and the Overzealous Gabai Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach-Can Jewish Law Save Lives? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach-God the Doctor Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach-Sea Transformation Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalach-Shabbos Air Travel Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Beshalash - A Split that Forges Connection Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo - Defining Elements Of A President Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo - Pharoh Dismantled For His Own Good Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo - The Language of Messianic Times Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo - What Does the Word Teshuva Mean? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo Alacrity with Mitzvos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo Shmura Matzah for the Seder Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo The Plague Of Darkness: What Was It? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo-Do Thoughts And Intentions Count? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Bo-What Do Miracles Prove Anyway? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chanukah and Telepathy Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chanukah-Cigarettes For Candles In Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chanukah-The Silver Menorah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chanukah-Was It A Miracle? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chaya Sara Comforting Mourners Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chaya Sara The Bride With A Broken Leg And A Cancelled Wedding Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chaya Sara-Secret to Unlocking Our Potential Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chaya Sara-The 25 Million Dollar Burial Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chaya Sarah - The First Sun and Free Will Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chaya Sarah - Why We Get Tested Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chaya Sarah-Burial in the Ground Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chukas Our Abilities Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chukas Sforno's Perpective on The Red Heifer Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chukas Torah-The Antidote To Death Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chukas-Aleph and Beis Conceptually Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chukas-Compromising Situations In Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chukas-Does God Give Everyone A Chance? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chukas-Kohanim on Planes With the Deceased and Over Cemeteries Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chullin 141a Ein Asai Doche Lo Teasai V'Asai Part II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chullin 141a Ein Asai Doche Lo Teasai V'Asai-Reeva Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chullin 141a Shaleach-Even 100 Times Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Chullin 141a Shaleach-Even 100 Tmes Part II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Corona Virus Proper Mental Approach With Torah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf Avodah Zarah 31 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf Shavuos 23 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf Shavuos 30 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf Shavuos 37 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf Shavuos 9 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Avodah Zarah 17 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Avodah Zarah 24 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Avodah Zarah 38 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Avodah Zorah 44-45A Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Avodah Zorah 52 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Chullin 16 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Chullin 23 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Chullin 65 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Chullin 9 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Chullin 93 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Gitten 58b Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 118 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 20 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 27 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 34 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 40 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 48 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 55 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 6 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 62 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 69 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 76 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 83 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Daf-Zevachim 90 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Devarim - Dignity Thwarts Racism Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Devarim A Parrot and Lie Detector Test Evidence in Court Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Devarim Lack Of Moshe's Entry Into Israel And the 9th of Av Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Devarim The Case of the Broken Computer and Selflessness Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Devarim The Case of the Broken Computer and Selflessness Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Do We Have Alternative Futures? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Eikev-In Case Of Child Abuse Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor - Extra Defilement for a Kohen Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor - The Apoplectic Taxi Driver On Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor - The Three Pillars Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor - True Commitment Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor - Understanding Requires Deliberation Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor Sanctification of God's Name and the Great Escape Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor Sefira and Crossing International Dateline Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor-Kiddush Hashem by Loving God Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor-Popularity of an Unpopular Opinion Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Emor-Stocks and Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Empathy and Succos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Esav Hated Yaakov For the Same Reason That Havel Killed Kayan Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Fast Of Esther in Law and Lore Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Forever In The Moment Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Gut Aryeh - Vayetzei - Being Alive Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ha’azinu - Yizkor Drasha Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Halachik Disclaimer Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Hilchos Kiddush, Havdalah, & the Ressurection Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Intravenous & Naso-Gastric Tubes on Yom Kippur Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Intravenous & Naso-Gastric Tubes on Yom Kippur Part 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Intro Great Grandfather of Bar Mitzvah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Kedoshim - God’s Kingdom Depends On Unity Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Kedoshim - Shill Bidding in Halacha Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Kedoshim Stealing to Save Lives Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Kedoshim Stealing to Save Lives Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Kedoshim-Mainstays of Societal Success Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Kedoshim-Tricking Others Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Kisa - Miraculous Nature of Nature Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Savo Do We Pay Ramson To Kidnappers Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa - Miraculous Nature of Nature Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa - The Rabbi Removed the Torah During the Reading Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa - Theory of Everything Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa - What You Hate Don’t Do To Friends Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa Danger On Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa Haman's Bribe For The Jewish Solution and God's Antidote of the Half Shekel Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa Hamans Bribe and Gods Antidote Part II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa-Helicopter Touring Over Temple Mount Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sisa-Miracles Don’t Help Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo - A Robbery That Would’ve Taken Place Even If the Alarm Was Set Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo - Antidote to Suppression Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo - Emergency Landing Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo Defilement of the Torah Scroll Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo Defilement of the Torah Scroll Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo Serving Hashem with Love and Happiness Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo Serving Hashem with Love and Happiness Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Sovo-Secret To Healing In Jewish Thought Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Tzeitzei Purchasing Organs From Shady Sources Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Tzeitzei Purchasing Organs From Shady Sources Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Tzeitzei What Do the Mitzvos Do For Us? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Tzeitzei-Fence On The Roof And Rosh Hashannah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Tzeitzei-Plastic Surgery In Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ki Tzeiztei Polygamy in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Kindness: A Source of Happiness Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Knowing Malevolence Is Knowing Good Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Korach Marriage and Resurrection Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Korach Mitzvah of Visiting the Sick Via Telephone Ahavas Torah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Korach Vending Machines on Shabbos Ahavas Torah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Korach-'Infidelity With Elijah The Prophet?' Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Korach-Korach's Wife Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Korach-The Depth of His Rebellion Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Korach-The Root of Dissension Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Lag B'Omer Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Lech Lecha - How Does the World Still Exist? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Lech Lecha Sacrificing The Few To Save The Many According To Rabbi J. David Bleich Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Lech Lecha-Why We Daven Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Maasei - A Word Of Inspiration To Eternal Life Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Maasei Flattery and Temimus Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Maasei Flattery Will Get You Everywhere Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Maasei Is Eilat A Part Of Israel? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Maasei The Man Who Accidently Caused A Tragic Death Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Maasei The Man Who Accidently Caused A Tragic Death Part 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Matos Immersing Food Utensils in the Mikvah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Matos Immersion of Utensils in Mikvah II Disposables Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Metzora - Etiquette of the Wise Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mikeitz - Chanukah and Forgetting Torah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mikeitz - Gur Aryeh - Bris & Livelihood Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Miketz - Mirror Mirror On The Wall Which Is The Biggest Chanukah Miracle Of Them All? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim Bas Mitzvah In Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim Bas Mitzvah Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim Me Bear A Grudge-Who Said? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim Medical Practice in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim Second Opinion-Which Doctor To Listen To? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim The Cantor's Voice That Broke the Chandelier and The Role Of Music In Jewish Thought Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim The Cantor's Voice That Broke the Chandelier and The Role Of Music In Jewish Thought II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim-Fetus; A Pursuer Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Mishpatim-Living A Purposeful Life Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
My Son The Docta-Can One Perform A Procedure on One's Parent Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Naso Priestly Blessings and Opening Car Doors On Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Nasso - In God’s Image Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Nasso - Peade in the Home Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Nasso - Torah Exudes An Infinite Light Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Nasso Artificial Insemination I I Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Nasso-Indirectly Causing Someone's Death During the Holocaust Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Nitzavim How Do We Change The Way We Think? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Nitzavim-How Do We Change The Way I Think Part II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach - Belief in God Through Understanding Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach - Flood In Eretz Yisrael Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach - What’s the Difference Between Moshe & Noach? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach-Does Hashem Need Our Blessings? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach-Keeping Your Word in a Realesstate Deal Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach-The Creation of Time Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach-The Flood and Dispersion Generations Collapse and Keeping One's Word Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach-The Flood and Dispersion Generations Collapse and Keeping Ones Word Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Noach-The Procreation Covenant Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Bechukosai-The Blessing of Security Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Behaloscha-Commitment of the First Born And The People Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr Hachaim Chukas-The People's Complaints Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Eikev-Hashem Is Our Father Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Ki Sisa-Justification For The Golden Calf And The Murder of Chur Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Ki Sisa-Justification For The Golden Calf And The Murder of Chur Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Ki Sovo-The Mitzvos Associated With Bikurim Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Lech Lecha Avraham's Charge Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr Hachaim Mishpatim-Ideal Society and Murder Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Nasso-Yissachar And Zevulin Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr Hachaim Pekudei-Mitzvos And Oneness of The Jewish People Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Shelach-The Root of the Spies' Evil Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Shoftim-How To Overcome the Yetzer Harah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Tazria-Tzoras A Physical Manifestation Of A Spiritual Malady Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Vayakhel Shabbos The Life Force of The Universe Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Vayelech-Why Did Moshe Pass Away Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim Vayikrah-Sacrifices and Adam's Sin Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ohr HaChaim-Truma The Torah, Ark, And The Beis Hamigdash Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Orchestration of Providence Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pekudei - Dual Purpose of the Temple Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pekudei - Tabernacle in the Image of Man Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pekudei-Integrity In Business Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pekudei-Mishkan Below And Above Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pekudei-Resurrection:Will The Dead Be Revived In Perfect Health? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pekudei-Why We Will Live Forever Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pekudie - Organization and Calculation if the Way Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach - Kitniyos and Minhag Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach - Kitniyos and Minhag Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach - True Freedom Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach Hagadda Insights I Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach Hagadda Insights II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach Insights Into the Haggada 3 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach- Checking For Chametz in Cars and Offices Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach-Checking and Cleaning for Chometz Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach-Hagaddah Insights Part 5 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach-Haggada Insights Part 4 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pesach-Haggadah Insights Part 6 Bronsteyn, Rabbi yakov
Pinchas - Addiction Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pinchas Eternal Life-Body or No Body Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pinchas Eternity-Body or No Body Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pinchas The Case of the $10,000 Lottery and Pizza Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pinchas The Key To Success-Discipline Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pinchas The Key To Success-Discipline Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pinchas-Ends Don’t Justify the Means Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Pinchas-Responsibility Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Power of Mitzvos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim - Living Inspired Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim - Mordechai’s Resilience Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim - Seeing The Future In The Present Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim -The Mitvah to Become Intoxicated Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim Reasons For Mishloach Monos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim The Case of the Messenger Who Ate the Mishloach Manos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim Toyrah - Mordechai’s Persuasion Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Purim-Amalek’s Facade Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Quoting The Source Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rambam Yesodei Hatorah-Danger of One Vs Many Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ramban Ki Sovo-Bikkurim Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ramban Lech Lecha-Avraham's Reward Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Re'eh A Kosher Pig And The Messiah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Re'eh Animal Cruelty Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Re'eh Can I Wear A Mezuza As A Necklace Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Re'eh Can I Wear A Mezuza As a Necklace? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Re'eh-Are Fish With Worms Kosher? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Reaction to Tragedy Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Reflextions on the Importance of Preservation of Life Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rosh Hashanah Judgement Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rosh HaShanna - Gratitude An Essential Element Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rosh HaShanna According to R’ Schorr Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rosh HaShannah - Why We Blow The Shofar Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rosh Hashannah-Holiness According Rabbi Shimon Shkop Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rosh Hashannah-I Am A Good Jew At Heart Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Rosh Hashannah-The Ripple Effects of Our Actions Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Sanhedrin 72b According To Tiferes Yisrael Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Sanhedrin 72b According To Tiferes Yisrael Part 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Sanhedrin 74b Tosfos Kiddush Hashem For Bnei Noach Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Saving a Life With A Non Jew And Chaya Shaw Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Selichos Inspiration Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shavuos - Risky Business Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shavuos Daf Yomi 2 2017 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shavuos The Dairy Meal Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shavuos The Day The Torah Was Given Is Ommited From The Chumash Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shavuos-Do and Understand According to the Maharal Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach - Are We Biased or Just Others? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach How Did the Spys Falter? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach Succes in the face of Adversity Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach-Hunting People On Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach-Jewish Burial And the Casket Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach-Tekhelet The Mystery of the Blue Fringe Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach-Tekhelet the Mystery of the Blue Fringe Part 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shelach-The Blackness of Time Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemini - Aharon Understood Bad Things Happening To Good People Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemini Are Giraffe & Bison Kosher Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemini Are Giraffe & Bison Kosher Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemini Is Sturgeon Kosher Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemini-Baer HaGolah Kashrus Viewpoint Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemini-The Miraculous Nature of the Anointing Oil Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemini-Why Did The Tsunami Happen In Japan? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos - Humility As A Result of Knowledge Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos - Poverty Is Life-Support Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos - The Ultimate Gratitude Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos Being Happy For Others Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos Jewish Milk-Cholov Yisrael Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos Jewish Milk-Cholov Yisrael Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos Reason of The Heter Meah Rabbanim(100 Rabbi Permission Document) Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos The Case of the Woman Who Refused to Get a Divorce Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos-Education and Anti-Semitism Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shemos-Laser Circumcision and Hemophilia in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Sheva Brachos - No Need To Be Careful of What You Ask For Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Sheva Brachos - The Significance of Birthdays Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shoftim - Legitimacy of Israel's Wars Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shoftim - Pride & Humility Together Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shoftim A Mitzvah For the Aguna Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shoftim A Strange Case Of Dual Abandonment Without A Get Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shoftim-Where Is The Garden Of Eden? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shoftim-Winner Of The Substituted Lottery Ticket Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 147 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Silver Lining of the Three Weeks Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Space Travel In Halacha New Year's Day 2003 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Succos-Oral Law: Special to the Jewish People Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Succos-The First Bite In The Succah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Taanis 21a - Ilpha & Nachum Ish Gam Zu Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Taanis 2A - Three Keys of Hashem Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Taking Pills On Yom Kippur Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Taz YD 157-Sacrificing One To Save Many Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tazria - Continuous Continuation of Creation Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tazria Eliahu Hanavi At A Bris And Seder Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tazria- Order Out of Chaos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tazria-Eliahu Hanavi At A Bris And Seder Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tazria-Metzora Doctor Patient Confidentiality Discussion Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tazria-Metzora Tzoras Is it Disease or Supernatural Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tazria-Metzora When The Bride Has No Uterus Can The Doctor Tell? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Ten Days of Teshuva R Yonason Eibshitz Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Teruma-Eight Hundred Dollars Left In The Western Wall-Who Should Keep It Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Teshuva A Transformative Agent Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
The Succah and The Ark of Noach Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
The Sukkah and Peace on Earth Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tiferes Yisrael Yuma-Chaya Shaw Part 1 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tiferes Yisrael Yuma-Chaya Shaw Part 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tiferes Yisrael Yuma-Chaya Shaw Part 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tisha BAV-Why We Mourn Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tisha B’Av - It’s Antidote Is Happiness Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tisha B’Av - Kinna 45 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos - Character As A Matter of Nature Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos Blindness of Yitzchak and Divine Providence Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos How Could Yaakov Trick His Father Yitzchak? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos Is It Okay To Lie? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos Kosher Medicine Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos Motivation Behind The Mitzvah of Honering Parents Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos Yitzchak's Plan For His Sons According to Malbim Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos- We Are Greater Then Avraham Avinu? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos- Yitzchak Had No Merit for Eretz Yisrael Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toldos-Can I Sell My Sins Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Toledo’s-Which Part Of The Torah Should I Focus On? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Treatment of the Terminally Ill Part 1 Discussion Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Truma - Women's Minyan Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Truma -Special Status of Shuls Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Truma The Synagogue Mechitzah According R Moshe Feinstein Version 2 Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Truma The Synagogue Mechitzah According to R Moshe Feinstein Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Trumah - Living An Opposite Existence Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzav - A Pandemic Is Dangerous Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzav - Fear Can Be Lethal Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzav - When Exactly Is Mashiach Coming? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzaveh - Incense - Inner Beauty With Outer Impact Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzaveh How Many Shabbos Candles Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzaveh How Many Shabbos Candles 2-Duality of Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzedaka II Income Subject to Ma'aser and Deductions Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Tzedakah Order of Precedence Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Va’era - Hashem’s Shadow Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Va’era - Pharoh Was Happy With the Plagues Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Va’era What is The World to Come? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira - Independence: A Shabbos Sermon Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira Free-Will and Providence Discussion Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira Magic Shows in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira Rambam's Opinion on Sorcery and Magic Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira Snow Mikvah in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira The Efficacy of Prayer on Behalf of Others Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira-Moshe Aharon and Why We Turn Grey Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaeira-Snow Mikvah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vaetchanan-The Universe From God's Perspectives Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayaitzeh Happiness of the Bride and Groom Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayakhel - The Boy Who was sick and calm down on Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayakhel Can I Brew Coffee With A Timer On Shabbos? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayakhel Knowledge-The Key To Redemption Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayakhel Knowledge-The Key To Redemption Version II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayakhel The Shabbos Sermon-Is it a Mitzvah? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayakhel-Achieving Greatness Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayakhel-The Key to Success Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayechi - No. The Messiah Didn’t Come Yet Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayechi Mausoleums in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayechi Mitzvah to Fulfill the Wishes of the Deceased Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayechi-Good People Do Good Good Things Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayechi-Reciting A Bracha On One Thought To Be Dead Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayechi-Who Is The Angel of Death? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeira - Pray To Hang On Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeira - Why did Avraham Refuse to Listen to Sarah? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeira-Avraham's Kindness According to the Alter of Slabodka Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev - Reading Faces Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev - When Darkness Disappears Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev - Yosef & Mordechai Are The Same Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev The Miracle of the Chanukah Lights Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev Where Should A Guest Light Chanukah? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev Yosef ChanukahTrains Planes and Hotels Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev Yosefs Multi Colored Coat And Nepotism in Halachah Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev-Does Mazal Exist Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev-Electric Menorah Is It Kosher? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev-Pondering Hatred and Jealosy Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev-Soldiers Lighting Chanukah Candles In The Trenches Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeishev: Gur Aryeh - Yosef and the Butler Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei - Angels of Jacob’s Ladder Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei - Definition of Character Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei - Leah’s Intrusion Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei - The Consummate Talmud Chacham Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei Copyright Infringement In Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei Recording Lectures and Ascribing Credit Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei Special Natural Of The Western Wall Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei The Significance of Names Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzei-The Real Trust In God Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayeitzie-What To Do When One Is Angry Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayekhel - Fix Yourself First Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayelech-Greatness And Ability Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayigash - Gur Aryeh - How Did Shimon Marry His Sister? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayigash - Is it Possible to Develop Super Powers? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayigash Israel the Highest Land Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayigash Spiritual-Majesty A Dignified Existence Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayigash-Age and Happiness Depend on Attitude Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayigash-Necessity of Two Messiahs Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayigash-The Curiosity of Yakov's Old Age Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayikra - Our Souls Are Pure Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayikra - Torah’s Existence Before Existence Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayikra-Ramban’s Introduction Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayikra-The Sotah and Golden Calf Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayikra-What Is Stealing? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishev-Mundane Stories with the Torah's Perspective Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach - Good Bad Role Models Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach - Gur Aryeh - Collateral Deaths In War Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach - The Concept of God’s Concealment Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach - With Brothers Like That Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach The Mistaken Get And The Treachery of Deception Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach Tombstones Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach Yakov and Esav-Mitzvah To Honor An Older Brother Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach- Esau’s Intention Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach-Anti-Semitism Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach-Lying Low An Exercise in Humility . Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach-Post-Mortem Caserean in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vayishlach-The Face of a Jew and Politician Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vzos HaBracha Completion of the Torah and Yom Tov Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Vzos Habracha-Binyamin as the Esrog and Succos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
What Type of Employee is a Baseball Player? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro - Gur Aryeh - Like-Minded Spiritual Enjoyment Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro - Morphine to Hasten Death Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro - Should We Celebrate When A Loved One Dies? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro Cars Trains and The Ailing on Shabbos Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro Moshe Rabbeinu's Transformation at Mt. Sinai Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro One Fathers Need and Two Brothers Desire-A Tale of Two Kidneys II Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro Seperation of Conjoined Twins in Jewish Law Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro Shabbos Or Jewish Education-A Family Fued Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro-Can I Say Kiddush After Havdalah? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro-Do Mitzvos Make Sense? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro-Kill to Save Oneself? Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro-One Fathers Need and Two Brothers Desire-A Tale of Two Kidneys Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro-Seperation of Conjoined Twins Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yisro-The Last 5 Statements' Order Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yom Kippur-Goodness Paid for Ungraciousness Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Yorah Deah 157 Shaar Ephraim Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
Zos Chanukah According To R' Tzadok Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov
לולב הגזול - מצוה הבא בעבירה Bronsteyn, Rabbi Yakov



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