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Friday, Jul 26, 2024 Parshas Pinchas 20 Tamuz, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Vaadim
Vaadim teleconferences discuss kosher certification issues. This teleconference is designed for the kosher certification community including mashgichim, rabbinical coordinators and rabbonim. The listening audience has the opportunity to ask questions. To be put on a dedicated list that is informed of the schedule, send an email with your name and position to telekosher ‘at’ Each teleconference is about 60 minutes long.
Level: Advanced | Age: All Adults | Gender: both

5 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Certifying Shomer Shabbos and Other Proprietors Goldberg, Rabbi Zvi
Kosher Certification of Local Establishments Goldberg, Rabbi Zvi
Mashgiach Zerizos and Burnout Goldberg, Rabbi Zvi
Passover - A Discussion of select Laws and Ideas Goldberg, Rabbi Zvi
Recognizing Fraud and Deception in Kosher Certification Goldberg, Rabbi Zvi



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