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Sunday, Oct 6, 2024 Yom Kippur 4 Tishrei, 5785
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Series: Rabbi Benzion Twerski's Sunday Women's Class
Rabbi Benzion Twerski's Sunday Women's Class

Listen to these new insights into the Parsha, the Holidays and various other subjects and concepts.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

28 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Bamidbar- Thinking Our Way into Positive Territory - Pt. 1 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Bamidbar- Thinking Our Way into Positive Territory - Pt. 2 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Bechukosai - Walking in Hashem's Groove - Part 1 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Bechukosai - Walking in Hashem's Groove - Part 2 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Bechukosai - Walking in Hashem's Groove - Part 3 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Behaaloscha - Egyptian Herring vs G-dly Manna - Part 1 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Behaaloscha - Egyptian Herring vs G-dly Manna - Part 2 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Behaaloscha - Moshiach and Aaron's Menorah Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Beis Hamikdash - The Building Built on Love Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Chatzotzros and Shalom Aleichem Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Elul - The New Environment Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Getting to know Korach, Dasan and Aviram in our own lives. Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Kedoshim - Using the Connecting Rope That We are Climbing toward Har Sinai - Part 1 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Kedoshim - Using the Connecting Rope That We are Climbing toward Har Sinai - Part 2 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Knowing Why We're Here Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Korach - The Living Dynamic of Moshe and Aaron - Part 1 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Korach - The Living Dynamic of Moshe and Aaron - Part 2 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Korach - The Living Dynamic of Moshe and Aaron - Part 3 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Korach - The Living Dynamic of Moshe and Aaron - Part 4 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Lessons from the Metzora - Part 1 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Lessons from the Metzora - Part 2 Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Parshas Pinchas - Elijahu and the 3 Weeks Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Rabbi Abraham Twerski - Simcha Redefined Twerski, Rabbi Dr. Abraham
Shavuos - The Ultimate Purpose of Mitzvos Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Shelach and the Torahzation of Life Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
The Power of Mitzvos - Sfas Emes - Chanukah Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
Vayigash - Shabbos - A Day to Embrace The King Twerski, Rabbi Benzion
What do Eisav, Paroh, and Lavan have to do with Chanukah? Twerski, Rabbi Benzion



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