Series: Rabbi Michel Twerski's Study Group on Sefer Vayikra |
Join Rabbi Michel Twerski's daily, post Shachris, study group by listening to these recorded sessions. These informal group learning opportunities offer great insights into the parsha of the week as well as the various Yom Tov seasons. All files are in the MP3 audio format. Unless otherwise noted, all of these sessions were recorded at Congregation Beth Jehudah, Milwaukee, WI. |
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both |
Title |
Speaker |
Acharei - I will be There for You |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Acharei - Jews Argue. If you don't Think So- Too Bad |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Acharei - Nadav and Avihu in Brain Surgery |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Behar - Focus: The Secret to Jewish Spacewalk Out of This World |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Behar - How can You Salvage a Barrel with Many Bad Apples |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Behar - How could Aaron Stand Unmoved Stone Silent after the Death of Two Sons? |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Behar - How did Aaron Stand Stone Silent and What to Take from That for Our Lives |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Behar - You See What are |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Emor - Creativity - Earning Your Keep, A 5-Minute Primer. |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Emor - I AM G-D and I will Remind you about That |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Emor - If You had to Choose between Brain and Heart Health |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Emor - Not All Tumah is Bad |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Emor - So You don't Like G-d's World |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Emor - What the 49th Level Looks Like -The One on the Bottom and the One on Top |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Emor - When Getting on a One-Way Elevator going Down is the Only Way Up |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Tazria - The Dark is Darker but the Light is Brighter |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Tazria - When Evil is on Good's Payroll |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Tazria - When Many Faults are One |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Tzav - A Little Bit of Spice makes All the Difference |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Tzav - Life from Ashes |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Tzav - Two Fires You should not Put Out |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Tzav - Who's in Charge Here? |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |
Vayikra - Why Tears are Salty |
Twerski, Rabbi Michel |