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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 Parshas Shoftim 28 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Parsha
Level: Introductory | Age: College Age | Gender: both

55 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
A Prayer for Sodom Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
A Servant of Avraham Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
A Teaching Universe Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
A Trusted Servant Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
A Twin Study Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Aishel Avraham Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Akeida Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Akeida - Yesod of Korbanos Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Avraham - The Life He Lived Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Avraham and the Ram Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Avraham Buries Sara Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Avraham in the Harvard Club Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Avraham's Belief Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Avraham's Look at Exile Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Avraham's War Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Battle for the Birthright Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Bereishis - Cain and Abel: Jealousy Rules Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Bereishis - Real Beginnings Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Bereishis 64 Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Binding our Hearts to Hashem Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Birth of the Blues for the Jews Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Brother Eisav Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Cain and Abel Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Cain's Problem Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - The End of Yishmael Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - The Excellence of Chesed Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - The Selfish and the Selfless Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Daughters of Lot Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Lech Lecha - Going for Whose Sake? Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Lech Lecha - Proactivity Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Lech Lecha - Sarah's Feelings Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Lech Lecha - Seeing with the Mind's Eye Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Lech Lecha - The Inner Test Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Lech Lecha - Yishmael and Essau in Our Times Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Lech Lecha - Yishmael and the Birth of the Blues Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Noach - Shem: What's in a Name? Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Parshas Vayeitzei - Yaakov's Love Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Parshios Lech Lecha and Vayeira - Surgical Kindliness Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
The Test of Lech Lecha Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Toldos - Our Struggle with Brother Essau Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Toldos - The Battle for the Blessings Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Toldos - The Blindness of Isaac Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Toldos - Yaakov and Essav: The Sale Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Toldos - Yitzchok's Test Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Vayeira - Lot and Early Matzos Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Vayeira - Making Sense of the Akeida Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Vayeira - Meaning of the Akeida Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Vayeira - Paradigm of Kindliness Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Vayeira - Pray for Your Friend... Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Vayeira - Sunrise, Sunset Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Vayeitzei - Out and Up: The Ladder Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
What's the Test of Lech Lecha? Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Why Did Hashem Speak to Avraham? Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Why Sodom was Destroyed Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now
Yisro - Ten Commandments of Reality Lam, Rabbi Label Buy Now



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