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Sunday, Oct 6, 2024 Yom Kippur 4 Tishrei, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Special Events
Talks given at special events that take place in Darche Noam Institutions: simchas and institutional events.
Level: N/A | Age: All Adults | Gender: both

22 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Andrew and Daniel Snider Siyum Andrew and Daniel Snider
Creating a Holiday in Modern Times and Instituting Saying Hallel Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
From Maimonides to Microsof: Intellectual Property in Halacha Nimmer, Prof.David
Fundamental Lessons in Parshat Hachodesh Shoshan, Rabbi Gidon
Hagaon Rav Shlomo Wolbe, zt"l's Special Contribution to the Torah World Shurin, Rabbi Yitzchak
Hesped for Hagaon Rav Mordechai Eliahu zt"l Nissim, Rabbi Avraham
Inside Out, Outside In: The Challenge of Being a Mentsch at Home Shurin, Rabbi Yitzchak
Marc Levene + Rabbi Hirshfeld Seudat Preida Levene, Marc and Rabbi Hirshfeld
Marc Levene Seudat Preida Levene, Rabbi Marc
My Experiences in the Six-Day War Hager, Benny
Pachad Yitzchak on Purim Shuster, Rabbi Fyvel
Purim Shmuze Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya
Rabbi Farber at Siyum of Massechet Horayot/ Nezikin Farber, Rabbi Menachem
Rabbi Hirshfeld speaking at Marc Levene's Seudat Preida Hirshfeld, Rabbi Yitzchak
Rabbi Yellin Memorial Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya
Rabbi Yellin Memorial Eichenstein, Rabbi Dov
Rabbi Yellin Memorial Leibick, Rabbi Heshy
Rabbi Yellin Memorial Hirshfeld, Rabbi Yitzchak
Rabbi Yellin Memorial Farber, Rabbi Menachem
RYH Mishnichnas Adar Hirshfeld, Rabbi Yitzchak
Stones and Earth Farber, Rabbi Menachem
The Hagadah and the Mitzvot of the Seder Weiss, Rabbi Asher



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