Series: Commuter's Chavrusah Series 9, Sefer Bereishis |
Turn your commute time into learning time. As you listen, you'll become part of the captivating shiur on each recording, exploring a panorama of fascinating halachic issues contained in this series. Join Rabbi Frand as he examines the progression of halacha from the Chumash through poskim to current responsa. Each file concludes with musar and ethical applications related to that Parsha. |
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both |
Title |
Speaker |
Bereishis - The "Kedushai Ketanah" Controversy |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Chayei Sarah - Purchasing a Burial Plot |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Lech Lech - a Geirus-Mitzvah, Reshus or Issur? |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Mikeitz - Lighting Neiros in Shul, and Other Chanukah Issues |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Noach - Abortion to Save a Baby? |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Toldos - Neitz Hachama vs. Tefilah B'tzibur |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayechi - Baruch Sheim K'vod Malchuso L'Olom Voed |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayeira - The Mitzvah of Nichum Aveilim |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayeishev - Artificial Insemination Before Chemotherapy |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayeitzei - Accepting Tzedaka from Women |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayigash - K'rias Shema: How Early, Interruptions, and Other Issues |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayishlach - Free Will vs. Hashgocha Pratis |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |