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Thursday, Jan 30, 2025 Parshas Bo 1 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Parsha Topics
Available for free at Mrs. Shira Smiles delivers lectures covering selected texts from a wide range of sources from which she brings out the unique moral lessons that can be learned from every moment in time. Each class is based either on the Torah portion of the week or on the Yamim Tovim, the Jewish holidays. Mrs. Smiles begins with basic primary sources, usually a verse from the Torah, and delves into its meaning and message through extensive selections from both the Early Commentators of the Middle Ages and the Later Commentators of the Modern Era. Mrs. Smiles adds excerpts from classical works produced by both the Chassidic and Mussar Movements, and ties together all components of the lecture to bring home a new insight into our lives as inspired Torah Jews
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

1 file in this series.
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Parshat Vayigash: Wagon Wisdom Smiles, Mrs. Shira



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