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Friday, Feb 7, 2025 Parshas Beshalach 9 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Week of Learning
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

78 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
"... Who has provided Me and My Every Need": Defining Chomer (substance) and Tzurah (form), Part I- June 30, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
"... Who has provided Me and My Every Need": Defining Chomer (substance) and Tzurah (form), Part II- July 2, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
A Glimpse into Shemona Esrei: Accentuating the Positive, Eliminating the Negative, Summer Week of Learning 08 Neuberger, Rebbetzin Peshie Buy Now
An Ancient Torah as a Guide for Handling Changes in Modern Times? (12/20/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
An Ancient Torah as a Guide for Handling Changes in Modern Times? (12/20/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Anchors in Changing Times: Prayer Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Anchors in Changing Times: Torah Study (12/21/09) Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
And G-d Heard Their Cries (Winter Week of Learning 07) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Appreicating the Journey: A Study of the Life of Rochel (12/24/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Being A Giver, Being A Taker, Part I - Winter Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Being A Giver, Being A Taker, Part II- Winter Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Believing in Ourselves: A textual Study of the Jewish People in the Desert, Part I, Summer Week of Learning 08 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Believing in Ourselves: A textual Study of the Jewish People in the Desert, Part II, Summer Week of Learning 08 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Body Image Through the Lens of Torah (12/22/09) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Chanukah: From Darkness to Light, Winter Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Compassion Vis-a-Vis Indifference, Winter Week of Learning 08 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Construction to Expansion: "From the Straits I Called Upon G-d..." Part I- July 1, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Construction to Expansion: "From the Straits I Called Upon G-d..." Part II- July 1, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Defining My Mission in Life (12/24/09) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Defining Success, Summer Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Developing a Multi-Dimensional Attitude Towards Life, Summer Week of Learning 08 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Developing an Ayin Tova: How to Deal with Jealousy, Summer Week of Learning 08 Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Developing Attitudes that Generate Success: Questions and Answers, Summer Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Developing Motivation to Maximize Our Potential, Winter Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
G-d's Relationship to Us: A Tamper-Proof Relationship, Summer Week of Learning 08 Weisz, Rebbetzin Shlomtzie Buy Now
Learning to Listen to the Soul, Part I, Winter Week of Learning 08 Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Learning to Listen to the Soul, Part II, Winter Week of Learning 08 Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Live and Let Live, Giving and Accepting Guidance, Winter Week of Learning 08 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Living for Myself, Summer Week of Learning 08 Greenblatt, Mrs. Debbie Buy Now
Maintaining a Balance in our Attitude Toward the Physical, Summer Week of Learning 08 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Man: An Angelic View, A G-dly View, Tehilim 8 (Advanced), Winter Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Man: An Angelic View, A G-dly View, Tehilim 8 (Beginner), Winter Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Modesty and Women: An Old-Fashioned Idea or a Modern Concept? (12/23/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Our Attitude Toward Life Even When It's Not the Life We Want, Summer Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Parshat HaShavuah Chukat- Balak: Turning Curses into Blessings- June 30, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Perseverance: Hanging on when All Seems Lost, Summer Week of Learning 08 Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Prayer and the Patriachs (Winter Week of Learning 07) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer: An Excercise in Self Awareness Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Prayer: An Excercise in Self Awareness, Winter Week of Learning 08 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Prayer: As a Substitute for Offerings (Winter Week of Learning 07) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer: Connection Between Prayer and Difficult Times - Winter Week of Learning 07 Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Prayer: Creating a Mindset, Creating a Bond 1 (Winter Week of Learning 07) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Prayer: Creating a Mindset, Creating a Bond 2 (Winter Week of Learning 07) Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Prayer: Laws - Beginner (Winter Week of Learning 07) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Prayer: Laws -Advanced (Winter Week of Learning 08) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Prayer: Making a Difference and Changing Through Prayer (Winter Week of Learning 07) Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Prayer: Spiritual Growth Through Prayer (Winter Week of Learning 07) Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Prayer: That I was Not Created A Woman (Winter Week of Learning 07) Wein, Mrs. Esther Buy Now
Prayer: Voice and Prayer (Winter Week of Learning 07) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Prayer: When G-d Says No (Winter Week of Learning 07) Clyman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Proactive vs. Reactive: When to Act, When to Wait, Winter Week of Learning 08 Weisz, Rebbetzin Shlomtzie Buy Now
Questions and Answers, Winter Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Refocusing and Seeing the Larger Picture, Part I, Summer Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Refocusing and Seeing the Larger Picture, Part II, Summer Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Remember the Shabbat to Sanctify It (12/23/09) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
The Building of the Mishkan as a Blueprint for Building our Own Sanctuary, Part 2 (12/23/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Building of the Mishkan as a Blueprint for Building our Own Sanctuary, Part I (12/22/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Challenges of a Changing World: A Study of Yirmiyahu I (12/21/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
The Concept of Mazal (Fortune)- Pre-Determined or Changeable? Part II- July 2, 2009- Summer Week of Learning 2009 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
The Economic Crisis: Human Relationships in Times of Difficulty (12/22/09) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
The Economic Crisis: Maintaining a Relationship with G-d in Troubling Times (12/20/09) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
The Multidimensional Aspects of Mind, Part I, Winter Week of Learning Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
The Multidimensional Aspects of Mind, Part II, Winter Week of Learning Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
The Necessity and Surprising Benefit of Good and Evil Within Man, Winter Week of Learning Clyman, Rabbi David Buy Now
The Passive/Aggressive Duality within Man, Winter Week of Learning 08 Weisz, Rebbetzin Shlomtzie Buy Now
The Role of the Woman in Private vis a' vis Public Domain (12/23/09) Greenblatt, Mrs. Debbie Buy Now
The Unique Insights of Women (12/21/09) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
The Way We See Others: A Key to our Own Success, Summer Week of Learning 08 Wasserman, Rebbetzin Rivka Buy Now
Understanding Our Place: Humility vs. Self Esteem, Winter Week of Learning 08 Eisenman, Rabbi Ron Yitzchak Buy Now
Understanding the depths of Life's Opportunities: Textual Study of Psalm 6, Summer Week of Learning 08 Juravel, Mrs. Chana Buy Now
Understanding the Feminine Aspect: Modesty, Part 1, Winter Week of Learning 08 Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Understanding the Feminine Aspect: Modesty, Part II Winter Week of Learning 08 Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Understanding the Feminine Aspect: Wisdom, Part 1, Winter Week of Learning 08 Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Understanding the Feminine Aspect: Wisdom, Part 2, Winter Week of Learning 08 Glick, Mrs. Mina Buy Now
Understanding the Roots of Anger, Winter Week of Learning 08 Eisenman, Rabbi Ron Yitzchak Buy Now
What Shabbos and the Rainbow teach us about Successful Living: A Study in Bereishit, Part I, Summer Week of Learning 08 Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
What Shabbos and the Rainbow teach us about Successful Living: A Study in Bereishit, Part II, Summer Week of Learning 08 Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Women as Separators of Good and Evil: The Story of Sending Away Yishmael (12/22/09) Gottesman, Mrs. Malca Buy Now



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