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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 Parshas Re'eh 27 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Programming
Level: Advanced | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

75 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
12 Out-of-the-Box Ideas to Leverage the Downturn for More Outreach in Your Community Seinfeld, Rabbi Alexander Buy Now
A G.R.E.A.T. Way: Where Non-Profits Meet BIG Profits for YOU Davidowitz, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
A New Wave of Student Activism: Featuring Hart to Hart Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Adults at Risk Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Advanced Strategies: Your Organization CAN Thrive in Times of Crisis Burg, Rabbi Steven Buy Now
Ais La'Asos La'Hashem: The Halachic Parameters of Compromise Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Aish HaTorah Discovery Seminars Berger, Rabbi Motty Buy Now
BEST OF THE BEST: Ready to Use, Valuable New Programs Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Bnei MItzvah Program Multiple speakers Buy Now
Brainstorming: How to Awaken the Sleeping Giant Twerski, HaRav Michel Buy Now
Can't We All Just Get Along? Working Well With All of the Organizations Within Your Sphere of Influence Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Community Kiruv & the Hebrew Day Schools Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Creating Communities for Russian Jewry Binsky, Rabbi Avraham Buy Now
Embracing Uncertainty Amidst Chaos: A Traditional Model for Untraditional Times Belovski, Rabbi Harvey Buy Now
Families in Transition: Practical Strategies for Working with Teenagers Glasser, Rabbi Yaakov Buy Now
Finding the Gaps and Filling Them In Klatzko, Rabbi Benzion Buy Now
Gender Wars and Gender Differences Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
Get A Life And An Afterlife: Profound Beliefs and Meaningful Practices--Cremation vs. Burial Zohn, Rabbi Elchonon Buy Now
Hafach Bah, Hafach Bah Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Hitting Home with Dramatic Presentations Krohn, Rabbi Paysach Buy Now
How to Activate Your Internal GPS Twerski, Rebbitzen Feige Buy Now
How to Organize a Women's Conference Multiple Speakers Buy Now
How to Raise Happy, Healthy and Resilient Children Lieberman, Dr. David Buy Now
Introduction to Convention 1995 Weinberg, HaRav Yaakov zt"l Buy Now
Israel: Get Them There and Have Them Stay Horowitz, Mr. Richard Buy Now
Jewish Parenting: A Crash Course Based on Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times Roll, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Jewish Wisdom on Parenting Workshops Kohl, Rabbi Josh Buy Now
Keeping the Fires Burning Twerski, Rabbi Michel Buy Now
Keynote Address-The Teshuvah Movement: The Next Generation Taub, Rabbi Baruch Buy Now
Kiruv In & Out of Summer Camp Finkelstein, Rabbi David Buy Now
Libraries: Jewish History Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Making A Difference.... Lessons I Learned as a Lay Person Eisenberg , Mr. Steve Buy Now
Mission Control: The Sequel Epstein, Rabbi Bentzi Buy Now
Mission to Israel: A Positive Outreach Experience & Fundraiser Pepper, Mr. Shimon Buy Now
Mission to Israel: From Excursion to Pilgrimage Freedman, Rabbi Binyamin Buy Now
New Programs You Can Use: Cutting Edge Ideas-African Safari, Love & Legacy Seminar Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Optimization in Turbulent Times Stern, Rabbi Mike Buy Now
Outreach in Mainstream Schools Gaffin, Rabbi Stephen Buy Now
Outreach Opportunities Through Talmud Torahs Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Practical Answers to Halachic Rabbinical Dilemmas Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Practicum in Psychology & Counseling A Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Practicum in Psychology & Counseling B Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Project Inspire Horowitz, Mr. Richard Buy Now
Project Seed Grunfeld, Rabbi Joseph Buy Now
Rav Noach Weinberg Tribute Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Running Meaningful Life Cycle Events Cowland, Rabbi Jamie Buy Now
Shailos and Tshuvos 2009 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Show Me the Money! Endowing Your Budget Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Soviet Jewish Immigrants: Where are they Coming From? Brander, Rabbi Kenneth Buy Now
Starting from Scratch: Building Your Thriving Outreach Organization Stern, Rabbi Mike Buy Now
Strategic Marketing-Bringing People In Probstein, Mr. Rick Buy Now
Tailoring Approaches to Russians Katzin, Rabbi Aryeh Buy Now
Take Home Tools and Programs Volosov, Dr. Paul Buy Now
The "Faith and Fate" Program Amsel, Rabbi Dr. Nachum Buy Now
The ABC's of the Shabbat Meal & Other Programs Rodin, Rabbi Aryeh Buy Now
The Art of Self Publishing Miller, Rabbi Chaim Buy Now
The Balancing Act: Saving People Without Harming Them Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
The British Experience Multiple Speakers Buy Now
The DNA Connection: Modern Day Jews and the Ancient Hebrews Kleiman, Rabbi Yaakov Buy Now
The Economy: Keeping Our Emunah and Bitachon Multiple Speakers Buy Now
The Glue Factor: The Sticky Secret to Campus Recruitment Gluckin, Tzvi Buy Now
The Key Elements of a Successful Retreat Aaron, Rabbi David Buy Now
The Keys to the Treasure Chest: Connecting NCSY's High School Grads to Your Campus Program Felsenthal, Rabbi David Buy Now
The Kiruv Chabura Roll, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
The New Anti-Semitism: What Others Think About Orthodoxy Multiple Speakers Buy Now
The Pros & Cons of Special Events: Is It Worth It? Lerner, Rabbi Pesach Buy Now
The Seven Keys to Self Esteem Lieberman, Dr. David Buy Now
The World Has Changed Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Today's Job Market: Your Next Professional Move Paul, Mr. Joel Buy Now
Turning the Key for Financial Survival in Today's Economy Scholar, Rabbi Simcha Buy Now
Twinning Cities Multiple speakers Buy Now
Underserved and Overwhelmed? Sephardim On Campus Hakakian, Rabbi Nissan Buy Now
Universal Jewish Literacy by 2010 Goldhar, Rabbi Avraham Buy Now
Up the Ante of Down Time-A Smorgasbord of Educational Retreats Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Why Be Jewish? Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now



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