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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 Parshas Shoftim 28 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Teaching
Level: Advanced | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

82 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Ask the Rabbi: For Women Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Bliss: The Marriage & Parenting Seminar in One Baars, Rabbi Stephen Buy Now
Breathing New Life into Familiar Stories: Maharal on Etz HaDa'as Kagan, Rabbi Jeremy Buy Now
Bringing Depth to Stories Otherwise Dismissed as Fairy Tales Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Chabura on Galus & Geula Shapiro, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Chabura on Hilchos Talmud Torah Shapiro, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Chabura with Kollel Yungerleit Shapiro, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Communicating Torah; But Not Just Words Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Denomination Issues & Pluralism Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Derech Eretz Kadma L'Torah: Middos Development in Kiruv Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
Developing Foundations in Gemara Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
Developing Foundations in Gemara A Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
Developing Foundations in Gemara B Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
Developing Foundations in Gemara C Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
Education vs. Conditioning Berger, Rabbi Motty Buy Now
Effective Presentation of Torah Material Tatz, Rabbi Dr. Akiva Buy Now
Even Haezer for Kiruv: Marriage, Divorce, Conversion, Personal Status and Outreach Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Evolution & Modern Science: Effective and Ineffective Adlerstein, Rabbi Yitzchok Buy Now
Gateway to Independence in Gemara & Chumash Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Halachic Dilemma's in Outreach - Part 2 Heinemann, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Halachic Dilemmas in Outreach - 1991 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Halachic Dilemmas in Outreach - Part 1 Heinemann, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Halachic Issues After the First Year Chaimowitz, Rabbi Nachum Buy Now
Halachic Issues Facing the Outreach Professional Schachter, Rabbi Hershel Buy Now
Halachic Issues in Kiruv Weinberg ztl, Rav Yaakov Buy Now
Introduction to Kabbala Weiman, Rabbi Menachem Buy Now
Introduction to the Paradigms of Torah Sh'Baal Peh Pasternak, Rabbi Mayer Buy Now
Issues for the Torah Commited Outreach Worker Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Jews and Non Jews in Halacha and Hashkafa Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Marriage,Divorce, Agunah and Adoption Breitowitz, Rabbi Yitzchak Buy Now
Paving the Way for Mesillas Yesharim: Making Mussar User-Friendly Twerski, Rabbi Dr. Abraham Buy Now
Preparing Effective Classes: A 60 Minute Primer Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Q & A: An Open Forum Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Rav Yisrael Salanter on Kiruv Rechokim Leuchter, Rabbi Reuven Buy Now
Reaching the Heart of a Jew: Communicating so Potential Baalei Teshuvah Want to Listen Neuberger, Mr. Roy Buy Now
Reclaiming Our Heritage: The Roots of Jewish History Irons, Rabbi Shmuel Buy Now
Revealing the Depth, Delight & Grandeur of Talmud to Beginners Green, Rabbi Shimon Buy Now
Science of Kiruv: Strategic Planning for Kiruv-The Aish Matrix Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Seder Halimud: Developing a Learning Structure for Beginners Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Shabbos: Who Invented the Weekend Anyway? Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Shailos - 21st Century Halacha Schachter, Rabbi Hershel Buy Now
Shailos and Tshuvos - 2006 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shailos and Tshuvos 2007 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shailos and Tshuvos 2008 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shailos and Tshuvos 2008 - Women Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shailos U'Teshuvos - Women's Session 2004 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shailos U'Teshuvos 2004 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shailos U'tshuvos On the Front Line 2000 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shailos U'Tshuvos Open Forum 2002 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shiurim on Selected Texts for Men Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Teaching a Sugya in Tanach Pavlov, Rebbetzin Holly Buy Now
Teaching Agada to the Skeptic Part 2 Adlerstein, Rabbi Yitzchok Buy Now
Teaching Chassidus & Spirituality Twerski, Rabbi Michel Buy Now
Teaching Chumash with Personal Relevancy for Adults Meyer, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Buy Now
Teaching Hahkafa: Moving from the Conceptual to the Practical Pavlov, Rebbetzin Holly Buy Now
Teaching Medrash Feldman, Rabbi Aharon Buy Now
Teaching Methodology: The Life of Miriam, The Death of Aharon A Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Teaching Methodology: The Life of Miriam, The Death of Aharon B Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Teaching Parent-Teen Basic Communication & Family Values Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Teaching People How to Think Karlinsky, Rabbi Shaya Buy Now
Teaching Sefer Yonah: A Case Study Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Teaching Torah to the Unitiated Bulman ztl, Rabbi Nachman Buy Now
Teaching Training Seminar: Q & A Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Techiyas Hameisim, Mashiach & Olam Haba Heller, Rebbitzen Tziporah Buy Now
Teen Programming: The Basics of Recruiting, Planning & Follow Up Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Teen Training Seminar: Q & A Panel Multiple Speakers Buy Now
The Halachic Process Feitman, Rabbi Yaakov Buy Now
The Halachic Process - Part 1 Feitman, Rabbi Yaakov Buy Now
The Making of a Tshuvah - Understanding the Process of Psak Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
The Wonders of the Hebrew Language Nissenbaum, Rabbi Ephraim Buy Now
Thematice Flow of Chamisha Chumshei Torah: Bereishis, Shemos & Vayikra Shapiro, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Torah as a Source for Balanced Living Siegelbaum, Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Buy Now
Torah M'Sinai Berger, Rabbi Motty Buy Now
Transmitting Emunas Chachamim from Past to Present B Shapiro, Rabbi Moshe Buy Now
Unlocking Tefillah: Prayer as a Tool for Kiruv & Chinuch Nissel, Rabbi Menachem Buy Now
Using History as a Tool Kagan, Rabbi Jeremy Buy Now
Using thr NJOP Crash Courses and Programs to Bring People In Rosenbaum, Rabbi Yitzchak Buy Now
Walking the Tightrope-The Delicate Balance of Horaas Shaah - Part 1 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Walking the Tightrope-The Delicate Balance of Horaas Shaah - Part 2 Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Women in Halacha Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Yishmael: The Root of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now
Yonah Revisited: What Makes a Class Tick? Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now



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