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Friday, Jul 26, 2024 Parshas Pinchas 20 Tamuz, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Personal Growth
Level: Advanced | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

55 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
10 Most Frequently Asked Questions Berger, Rabbi Motty Buy Now
13 Ikkarim Nissenbaum, Rabbi Ephraim Buy Now
AJOP Convention 1996 Opening Session Introduction Weinberg ztl, Rav Yaakov Buy Now
AJOP Women: Toiling in the Trenches Twerski, Rebbitzen Feige Buy Now
Approaches to Very Difficult Issues Breitowitz, Rabbi Yitzchak Buy Now
Avodas Hashem: Can We Keep Running on Empty Twerski, Rabbi Michel Buy Now
Charting a Sane Course in an Insane World Twerski, Rebbitzen Feige Buy Now
Confronting Anti Zionism-The New Anti-Semitism Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Confronting the Children of Hagar Nissel, Rabbi Menachem Buy Now
Da Ma Shetashiv: Real Questions real people ask in the real world Weinberg ztl, Rabbi Noach Buy Now
Dah Mah Le'Hashiv- Questions & Answers Multiple Speakers Buy Now
DNA and Tradition Kleiman, Rabbi Yaakov Buy Now
Getting Along-When & Why Does Orthodox Judaism Reject Pluralism Breitowitz, Rabbi Yitzchak Buy Now
Guiding Ba'alei Teshuva Along the Way-Controversal Topics in Hashkafa Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
HaRav Shmuel Weinberg zt'l Memorial Lecture Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Hashkafa of Intimacy in Marriage - For Men Twerski, Rabbi Michel Buy Now
Hashkafa of Intimacy in Marriage - For Women Twerski, Rebbitzen Feige Buy Now
Hesped For Rabbi Kirzner ztl, Ohev U'Mekarev Twerski, Rabbi Michel Buy Now
Hesped For Rabbi Uziel Milevsky ztl Weinberg ztl, Rav Yaakov Buy Now
HisChadshus: Keeping it Fresh While You're Leading & Teaching Others Bulow, Mrs. Aliza Buy Now
How to Run Your Life A Roberts, Rabbi Russell Buy Now
How to Run Your Life B Roberts, Rabbi Russell Buy Now
How to Run Your Life C Roberts, Rabbi Russell Buy Now
Intimate Insights - Bridging Torah and Royalty (hard to hear) Jakobovits, Lady Amelie Buy Now
Introduction to Judaism Buchwald, Rabbi Ephraim Buy Now
Issues & Answers - Approaches to Crises in Kiruv Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Issues in Kiruv- Belief in G-d Berger, Rabbi Motty Buy Now
Learning Session: Bitachon Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Master Class - Chasidus Twerski, Rabbi Michel Buy Now
Master Class - Torah and Science Goldfinger, Dr. Andrew Buy Now
Master Class: Kabbala Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Meeting the Challenge: Understanding Conservative & Reform Jewry Adlerstein, Rabbi Yitzchok Buy Now
Mesorah & Oral Law-Do Rabbis Have An Exclusive Claim to Truth Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Nothing Left to Give Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Raising Rooted Children in a Kiruv Setting Leuchter, Rabbi Reuven Buy Now
Reaching for the Heavens Shurin, Rabbi Yitzchak Buy Now
Responding to the Promise-What is Our Commitment to Jewish Destiny Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Shloshim for Miriam Lowenbraun a'h Introduction Rabbi Menachem Goldberger Rabbi Menachem Goldberger
Shloshim for Miriam Lowenbraun a'h Rabbi Dr. Nosson Westreich Rabbi Dr. Nosson Westreich
Shloshim for Miriam Lowenbraun a'h Rabbi Leib Twerski Rabbi Leib Twerski
Shloshim for Miriam Lowenbraun a'h Rabbi Mordechai Twerski Rabbi Mordechai Twerski
Shloshim for Miriam Lowenbraun a'h Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenbraun Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenbraun
Shloshim for Miriam Lowenbraun a'h Rabbi Yosi Lowenbraun Rabbi Yosi Lowenbraun
Shloshim for Miriam Lowenbraun a'h Shloimi Lowenbraun Shloimi Lowenbraun
Suffering - Part 1 Gottlieb, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Suffering - Part 2 Gottlieb, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
The Aura and Imperative of Jewish Outreach Rokowsky, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
The Magic of the Maggid Krohn, Rabbi Paysach Buy Now
The Rabbi Made Me Do It- Accuracy of Oral Tradition Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
The Rebbetzin & Her Family Relating to the Community Steinig, Rebbetzin Judi Buy Now
The Relationship Between Ikvisa D'Meshicha & the Baal Teshuvah Movement Weiss, Rabbi Asher Buy Now
Understanding the Heart of the Matter Twerski, Rabbi Michel Buy Now
Understanding the Key Principals of Hashkafa Tatz, Rabbi Dr. Akiva Buy Now
Why I Must Believe and Why Silver, Rabbi Yehuda Buy Now
Why Was Avraham Chosen? How Come the Torah Doesn't Tell Us? Fohrman, Rabbi David Buy Now



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