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Saturday, Jul 27, 2024 Parshas Pinchas 21 Tamuz, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: The Three Weeks
Rabbi Raccah's annual Tisha B'av shiurim
Level: N/A | Age: All Adults | Gender: both

17 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
17th of Tammuz - Dichotomy of Galut & Geulah Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
9th of Av - Its Potential for Atonement Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
An Analysis of Kamtza & Bar Kamtza Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Avoiding G-d's Tears: Emunah - The Final Battle Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Destruction of Tur Malka & Betar: The Details Are Significant Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
From Exile to Redemption - The Power of Active Listening Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Humility:The Key to Unity Which Will Rebuild Jerusalem Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash - What's My Role? Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash Starts Inside of Us Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Rebuilding the Temple Through Closeness to Hashem Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Rebuilting the Temples Through Feeling Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
Returning to Jerusalem Through Prayer Raccah, Rabbi Daniel
Sinat Chinam - Need a Reason to Love Your Brother? Raccah, Rabbi Daniel
The Churban - Personal Destruction Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
The Holy Temples:Built on Merits, Destroyed by Sins Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
The Key to Redemption: Open Your Hearts Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now
The Month of Tammuz - It's Lessons & Dangers Raccah, Rabbi Daniel Buy Now



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