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Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 Parshas Ki Seitzei 9 Elul, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Jerusalem Aish shiur
A weekly shiur in Aish Hatorah, to beginners, and the more advanced, exploring in depth themes in Jewish thought.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

11 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
All your turns should be to the right! Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
Individuals and Society and the book of names Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
Isnt it enough to be a good person? Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
Kiddush Levana - How, what, and why! Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
Lilith - the female "demon" in Torah thinking Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan Buy Now
Serpents and Filthy People Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
The greatness of the [spiritually] weak and handicapped Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
The Letters on the Dreidel - Chanukah Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
What is an angel? Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
When bad things happen to good people Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
Women and Havdallah Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan



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The Torah learned on this site today should be liluy nishmos
Pinchas ben Avrohom and Shprintza bas Yehuda Aryeh