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Monday, Sep 9, 2024 Parshas Ki Seitzei 6 Elul, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Weekly Jerusalem Shiur - Tuesday at Two
A Shiur in Aish Jerusalem - General audience is made up of beginner students, but there is a range. Idea is to present deep insights and ideas from the Torah in a challenging and enlightening manner, that can be appreciate even by those who are not very advanced. Given in the "Essentials" room on Tuesdays at two o'clockn open to the public.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

5 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Distinctions and wisdom and PETA Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
From 90 to 300 in 2000 years Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
Lefties, Righties, Good and Evil. And Purim Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
The Luchos, Freedom, and the number 613 Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
What Happens in Heaven Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan



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