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Friday, Jul 26, 2024 Parshas Pinchas 20 Tamuz, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Live at Lincoln Center
Live at Lincoln Center
Tracks on this Album::
  • 01 - Hatov - Bostoner Rebbe
  • 02 - Shabbos - A.L. Webber, M. Werdyger, S. Riskin
  • 03 - Yisrael Our Home - Rosenberg/Rockoff/ Goffin
  • 04 - Yibaneh - Bostoner Rebbe
  • 05 - Sukkeleh - Folk
  • 06 - Hinay - Eurovision, Liturgy
  • 07 - Jerusalem is Mine - K. Karen, S. Goffin
  • 08 - Lev Tahor - S. Soloveitchik
  • 09 - Mehayro - Bostoner Rebbe
  • 10 - Neshomo - S. Goffin
  • 11- Words - S. Goffin
  • 12 - Todah - S. Kviomandizis, S. Goffin
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

13 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Sherwood Goffin Live at Lincoln Center Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 01 - Hatov Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 02 - Shabbos Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 03 - Yisrael Our Home Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 04 - Yibaneh Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 05 - Sukkeleh Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 06 - Hinay Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 07 - Jerusalem is Mine Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 08 - Lev Tahor Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 09 - Mehayro Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 10 - Neshomo Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 11 - Words Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now
Track 12 - Todah Goffin, Sherwood Buy Now



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