Learn to lead your congregation in holiday song with Favorite
Synagogue Nigunim, featuring Sherwood Goffin, renowned cantor of
Lincoln Square Synagogue in New York City, and faculty member, Belz
School of Jewish Music at Yeshiva University in New York.
Favorite Synagogue Nigunim is the complete guide for the
congregational melodies of the Shalosh Regalim - Pesach, Shavuot, and
Sukkot - and Chanukah! It features fifty-five different melodies for
the following sections of the holiday prayers:
- Kedusha of Shacharis
- Hallel
- Koh Keili
- Kedusha of Musaf
- Chazaras HaShatz
- Tefillas Tal
- Tefillas Geshem
- Hoshanos
Favorite Synagogue Nigunim includes both musical tracks and audio
instruction from Cantor Goffin, detailing the history of each track,
the proper way it should be sung, and other tips.
Retail price is $35, now offered at a special
online discount. |