Series: Commuter's Chavrusah Series 28 - Sefer Sh'mos |
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both |
Title |
Speaker |
B'shalach 28 - Are Women Obligated in Lechem Mishna? |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Bo 28 - Can Your Wife Put Your Tefilin on You? |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Mishpatim 28 - The Case of the Sefer That Was Borrowed and Never Returned |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Pikudei 28 - The Case of the Mishloach Manos That Was Delivered to the Wrong Person and Other Purim Issues |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Sh'mos 28 - Placing A Person in a Non-Kosher Mental Institution |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
T'rumah 28 - Pushka and Tzedaka Shailos |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Titzaveh 28 - The Case of the Woman Who Slept Through Licht Bentching Friday Night |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Va'eyra 28 - Is It Mutar To Say the Names of Cities Like Mumbai, Corpus Christi and Even Satmar and Sans? - Why Not? |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Vayakheil 28 - Borer Shailos: Piles of Seforim, Pots in the Fridge and the Messy Freezer |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |
Yisro 28 - "I Want Your House and I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse": Muttar or Assur? |
Frand, Rabbi Yissocher |