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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 Parshas Vaera 22 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Sefer Bereishis In Depth
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

182 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
01 - Bereishis - Introduction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
02 - Bereishis - Duality Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
03 - Bereishis - Heaven and Earth Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
04 - Bereishis - Two Levels of Emptiness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
05 - Bereishis - Let There be Light Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
06 - Bereishis - Separating Light from Darkness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
07 - Bereishis - Vayikra Elokim - Giving Names Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
08 - Bereishis - Evening & Morning One Day Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
09 - Bereishis - Dividing Heaven and Earth Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
10 - Bereishis - Dividing Heaven and Earth II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
11 - Bereishis - Clearing the Waters Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
12 - Bereishis - The Sin of the Earth Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
13 - Bereishis - The Fourth Day and the Luminaries Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
14 - Bereishis - The Power of the Sun Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
15 - Bereishis - The Sun the Moon and the Eclipse Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
16 - Bereishis - Moons, Women and Kings Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
17 - Bereishis - The Creation of the Sea Creatures Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
18 - Bereishis - The Leviasan Part II and the Birds Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
19 - Bereishis - The Creation and the Blessing of the Animals Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
20 - Bereishis - Let Us Make Man Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
21 - Bereishis - Tzelem Elokim Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
22 - Bereishis - Tzelem Elokim Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
23 - Bereishis - Tzelem Elokim Part III Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
24 - Bereishis - Tzelem Elokim Part IV Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
25 - Bereishis - Male and Female He Created Them Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
26 - Bereishis - The Mandate of Conquest Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
27 - Bereishis - The Mandate of Conquest Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
28 - Bereishis - The Pyramid Structure of Creation Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
29 - Bereishis - It Was Very Good Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
30 - Bereishis - Yom HA-shishi Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
31 - Bereishis - Completing Creation Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
32 - Bereishis - The Day of Rest Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
33 - Bereishis - Shabbos as Tachlis Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
34 - Bereishis - Blessed and Sanctified Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
35 - Bereishis - He Created To Make Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 1 - The Offspring of Heaven and Earth Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 10 - The Tree of Knowledge Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 11 - The River of Eden Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 12 - The Four Rivers Emanating from Eden Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 13 - Placing Adam in Gan Eden Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 14 - Enjoying the Fruits of the Garden Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 15 - The Tree of Death Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 16 - It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone - Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 17 - It Is Not Good for Man to be Alone - Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 18 - It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone - Part III Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 19 - It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone - Part IV Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 2 - Earth and Heaven and the Feedback Loop Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 20 - Goodness and Giving Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 21 - Naming the Animals I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 22 - Naming the Animals II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 23 - Building the Woman I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 24 - Building the Woman II - Superior Wisdom and More Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 25 - This is the One Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 26 - Man, Woman and G-d Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 27 - Unashamed Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 3 - Rain and Prayer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 4 - The Mist that Rises and Falls Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 5 - Vayitzer - Man as a Dual Creation Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 6 - The Speaking Soul Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 7 - Creating Gan Eden Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 8 - Setting the Starting Point Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Gan Eden 9 - The Trees of the Garden Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Guest Shiur - Rav Hartman Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin amd Hevel No 37 - The Unity of Man Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 1 - And Adam Knew... Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 10 - Teshuva - We Control Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 11 - And Kayin Spoke With Hevel Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 12 - And Kayin Spoke With Hevel - Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 13 - Am I My Brother's Keeper? Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 14 - Your Brother's Blood is Crying Out to Me Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 15 - The Earth's Partnership in Crime Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 16 - The Earth's Partnership in Crime Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 17 - Too Great to Bear Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 18 - Too Great to Bear Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 19 - I Must Hide From Your Face Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 2 - I Have Gained a Man With G-d Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 20 - Whoever Finds Me Will Kill Me Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 21 - Protecting Kayin Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 22 - The Protective Sign Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 23 - Kayin Leaves Hashem Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 24 - Building a City Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 25 - Naming the City Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 26 - Lemech's Two Wives Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 27 - The Trade of Yaval Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 28 - And His Sister Was Na'ama Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 29 - And Lemech Said to His Wives Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 3 - His Brother, Hevel Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 30 - He Knew Her Better Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 31 - The Generation of Enosh I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 32 - The Generation of Enosh 2 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 33 - Enosh, Mitzrayim and the Change of Faith Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 34 - The Great Rule of the Torah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 35 - The Great Rule of the Torah Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 36 - He Called Their Name Adam Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 38 - The Generations of Adam Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 39 - The Generations of Adam Part 2 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 4 - His Brother, Hevel Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 40 - Comparing the Ten Generations Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 41 - The Mystery of Chanoch Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 42 - The Mystery of Mesushelach Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 5 - Kayin's Inferior Offering Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 6 - Hevel's Offering Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 7 - Kayin, Hevel and Shais Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 8 - Anger and Disappointment Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - Kayin and Hevel No 9 - Doing Better, Teshuva Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 1 - Talking Snakes Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 10 - Feeding the Animals Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 11 - They Realized They Were Unclothed Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 12 - Fig Leaves Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 13 - The Sound of G-d Traveling Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 14 - G-d and Man Hiding Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 15 - Haman and the Tree Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 16 - She Made Me Do It - Acknowleging Guilt Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 17 - The Snake's Seduction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 18 - The Transformation of the Snake Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 19 - The Snake and the Dust Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 2 - Talking Snakes Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 20 - From Wife to Mother Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 21 - From Wife to Mother - Part 2 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 22 - From Wife to Mother - Part 3 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 23 - And He Shall Rule Over You Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 24 - The Earth is Cursed For You Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 25 - The Earth is Cursed For You Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 26 - Toiling for Bread Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 27 - Returning to Dust Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 28 - Death and Waste Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 29 - Cloaks of Skin Part I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 3 - Snaketalk Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 30 - Cloaks of Skin Part II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 31 - Cloaks of Skin Part III Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 32 - Man's Uniqueness I Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 33 - Man's Uniqueness II Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 34 - To Live Forever Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 4 - Trees and Fruit Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 5 - Trees and Fruit Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 6 - Lest You Die; The Reasons for Mitzvos Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 7 - Their Eyes Were Opened Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 8 - The Attraction of the Tree Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava 9 - Sharing the Forbidden Fruit Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava No 36 - The Decree of Galus 2 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Sin of Adam and Chava No 37 - Cherubim Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach #20 - The Making of Man Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 1 - Introduction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 10 - True Giants Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 11 - Building a Name Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 12 - Bad Deeds, Bad Drives Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 13 - Destruction and Creation Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 14 - Divine Sadness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 15 - Angels on Earth, Men in Heaven Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 16 - Comfort, Sadness and Total Destruction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 17 - From Man to Beast Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 18 - Noach Found Favor Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 19 - What Noach Gave the World Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 2 - Naming Noach Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 22 - Walking With Hashem Trimmed Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 24 - Corruption and Destruction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 25 - The Two Destructive Drives Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 26 - The Independent Self Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 27 - The Keitz Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 28 - Sealed by Theft Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 29 - Destroyed With the Earth Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 3 - Comforting the World Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 30 - Build an Ark Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 31 - Surviving and Building Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 32 - Building Specifications Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 33 - The Tzohar Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 34 - Man and the Angels Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 35 - The Mabul and Bavel Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 36 - The Meaning of “Bris” Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 37 - Abstinence During Hard Times Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 38 - The Creation of Spirits Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 39 - Bring Them or They Will Come Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 4 - Noach's Three Sons Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 40 - Feeding the Animals Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 41 - Noach, Og, and the Shor HaBor Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 42 - An Invitation to the Tzaddik Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 43 - The Kosher Animals Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 5 - The Women of the Flood Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 6 - The Sons of Elokim Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 7 - Theft and Immorality Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 8 - The Struggle of the Spirit Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bereishis - The Waters of Noach No 9 - Moshe's 120 Years Hauer, Rabbi Moshe



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