Series: Weekly Parsha Shiur, 5776 - Parsha Plan |
In-depth study of a theme of the week's Torah portion, drawing on primary sources in Midrash and classic works of Jewish thought. Lecture format. This year the focus will be on the 7th Aliyah of each Parsha. |
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both |
Title |
Speaker |
Acharei Mos - Direct Relationships - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Bamidbar - 7th Aliyah - Hidden Kedusha |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Bechukosai - Meeting at Sinai - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Behar - Servants of Hashem - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Bo - Sanctifying the Bechor - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Chayei Sarah - Yishmael's Blessings and his Teshuva - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Devarim - Moshe's Conquest - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Hoshana Rabba - Bereishis - In the Beginning of the End - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Hoshana Rabbah - V'Zos Habracha - The 'Death' of Moshe - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Kedoshim - Kiddush and Havdalah - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Ki Savo - Transition and Transformation - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Ki Seitzei - The Value of Shame - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Ki Sisa - The Radiance of Moshe - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Korach - Supporting the Leviim - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Lech Lecha -The Power of the Bris - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Metzora - Sefirah, Counting from Impurity - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Mikeitz - Binyamin's Theft - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Mishpatim - Naaseh VeNishma and Emunah - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Nitzavim - Choosing Life - Seventh Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Noach - The Tower of Bavel - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Parshas Beshalach- The Amalek Gap- 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Pikudei - Following the Cloud - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Pinchas - Succos and Churban - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Shelach - Following the Heart and the Eye - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Shemini - Kashrus and Holiness - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Shemos - It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Shoftim - Eglah Arufa as a Core Jewish Value- 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tazria - Only in Eretz Yisrael - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Va'eira - The Plague of Egyptian Rain - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Vayechi - The Magic Words of Redemption - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Vayeira - The Akeidah - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Vayeishev - The Power of Dream Interpretation - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Vayeitzei - Taking Leave of Lavan - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Vayigash - Settling into Mitzrayim - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Vayikra - Fear of Heaven and Doubt - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Vayishlach - Eisav's Legacy and Amalek - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Yisro - Everyone Saw - 7th Aliyah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |