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Thursday, Feb 6, 2025 Parshas Beshalach 8 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Torah Thoughts
Short weekly thoughts to enrich your day
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

158 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
A Message: After Pittsburgh Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Acharei Mos - A Spiritual Encounter Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Balak - One People Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bamidbar - Building a New World Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bamidbar - The Strength of Numbers Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bamidbar - Three Expressions of Commitment Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bechukosai - A Pervasive Commitment Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bechukosai - Peace is Everything Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bechukosai - The Journey of Study Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Beha'aloscha - Fifty Steps Forward Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Beha'aloscha - Providing Strength Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Beha'aloscha - Transforming Desire Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Behar - Representing G-d and Torah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Behar - The Root of Success Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Behar - The True Redeemer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bereishis - Aleph Beis Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bereishis Choosing Character Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bereishis Trusting Hashem Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Beshalach - Bringing Yosef Home Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Beshalach - Complete Faith Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Beshalach - Nurturing Hope Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bo - A Great Man Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bo - G-d Stands Guard Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bo - Haste and Excitement Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Bo - The Beginning of Torah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chanukah - Treasuring the Opportunity Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chayei Sara - Creative Kindness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chayei Sara - Home, Family and Community.mp3 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chayei Sara - Laying Down Roots Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chayei Sara - The Prayer Experience Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chayei Sara: Bringing G-d into the World Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chukas - A Commitment to Rescue Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Chukas - Hitting the Rock Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Devarim - Different Times, Same Voice Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Emor - Blending Body and Soul Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Emor - The Mission of Kiddush Hashem Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Haazinu and Succos - Surrounding and Surrounded Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Haazinu and Yom Kippur - So Close to Heaven Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Kedoshim - Is Mentschlichkeit Everything Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Kedoshim - The Whole Picture Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Kedoshim and Yom Hazikaron - The True Kedoshim Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Savo - Bikkurim as Teshuva Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Savo - Mature Aspirations Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Savo - Upholding the Standard Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Seitzei - Bringing on Blessing Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Seitzei - One Thing Leads to Another Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Seitzei - To Live To Enjoy Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Sisa - In Hindsight Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Sisa - No Man Shall Covet Your Land Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Ki Sisa - The Man of G-d Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Korach - Sticks Almonds and Snakes Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Korach - The Evils of Dispute Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Lech Lecha - Eternal Hope Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Lech Lecha - The Impact of Torah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Lech Lecha: Commitment to Family Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Lech Lecha: The Gift of Giving Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Lech Lecha: Why Avraham? Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Matos Masei - Aharon HaKohein's Yahrzeit Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Metzora - Hidden Treasure Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Mikeitz - A Nation Under G-d Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Mikeitz - Pharaoh's Dreams and Chanukah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Mikeitz and Chanukah - Worth Fighting For Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Mishpatim - Maintaining Ideals Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Mishpatim - Seeing G-d Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Mishpatim - The Seat of Justice Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Naso - Striking the Right Balance Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Naso - True Blessings Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Nitzavim - A Bit of Heaven Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Nitzavim - Still Standing Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Nitzavim - You Shall Return Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Noach - Corruption and Destruction Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Noach - Living up to the Divine Image Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Noach Never Again Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Noach Plant or Destroy Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Pikudei - Pursuing Hashem Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Pikudei - Signs of True Forgiveness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Pikudei - The Eighteen Instructions Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Pinchas - The Torah of the Mikdash Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Re'eh - Seeking Hashem Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shelach - Accompanied by Prayer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shelach - Cherishing our Legacy Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shelach - Sanctified by Mitzvah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemini - Divine Fires Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemini - Reacting to Tragedy Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemini - The Value of Mitzvah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemos - Awareness and Sensitivity Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemos - His Father's Voice Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemos - Knowing G-d Through Man Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemos - Our Ultimate Destination Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shemos - The Real Heroes Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shiva Asar bTamuz - Mourning and Joy Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shoftim - Justice Justice You Shall Pursue Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shoftim - The Next Best Thing to Being There Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Shoftim - The Refuge of Teshuva Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Taanis Esther and Purim Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tazria - Last But Not Necessarily Least Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tazria - Vitality and Holiness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Terumah - Holding On Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Terumah - Making it Last Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Terumah - The Source of Bracha Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Teshuva - Avinu Malkeinu Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tetzaveh - On Our Shoulders On Our Hearts Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tetzaveh - The Partnership of Moshe and Aharon Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tetzaveh - True Brotherhood Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on the Haggadah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Toldos - Focused Prayer.mp3 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Toldos - Loving Blindness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Toldos - The Ultimate Blessing Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Toldos - The Voice of Yaakov.mp3 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Toldos - Unconditional Love Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tzav - Fasting and Feasting Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tzav - Hiding Miracles Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Tzav - Lasting Impact Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Va'eira - I love Them Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Va'eira - Shortness of Spirit Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Va'eira - True Fear of Heaven Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Va'eschanan - Renewal Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayakhel - Building and Being Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayakhel - Fire and Shabbos Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayakhel - Unlocking Our Talents Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayechi - Accompanying Our Children Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayechi - Be Like Ephraim and Menashe Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayechi - Blessing One, Blessing All Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayechi - Going Home Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayechi - The Value of an Open Space Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeilech - The Two Steps of Teshuva Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeira - Don't Look Back Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeira - Laughter and Hope Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeira - Stuck or Positioned Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeira: An Invitation to Prayer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeira: Staying Together Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeira: The Ultimate Connection to Hashem Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeishev - Assuming Responsibility Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeishev - The Critical Value of Trust Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeishev - The Power to Care Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeishev - What is a Shomer Mitzvos Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeitzei - Generations of Prayer Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeitzei - Magnificent Dreams and Sobering Thoughts Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeitzei - One Nation One Soul Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayeitzei - Your Problem or Ours Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayigash - G-d is One G-d is Good Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayigash - Is My Father Still Alive Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayigash - The Show Must Not Go On Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayigash - The Torah for the Exile Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayigash - Travel Peacefully Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayikra - Great Leaders Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayikra - Lasting Relationship Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayikra and Zachor - Giving Your Heart and Soul Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayishlach - And Yaakov was Left Alone Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayishlach - For the Children Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Vayishlach - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Yisro - Drawn to Greatness Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Yisro - One G-d One People Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
A Thought on Yisro - Sinai and Torah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Erev Shabbos Message Behaaloscha Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Erev Shabbos Message Chukas Balak 5780 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Erev Shabbos Message Pinchas 5780 Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Erev Shabbos Message Shelach Hauer, Rabbi Moshe



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