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Monday, Sep 16, 2024 Parshas Ki Savo 13 Elul, 5784
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Series: Commuter's Chavrusah Series 34 - Sefer Bereishis
This is part of Commuter's Chavrusah Full Series 34
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

12 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Bereishis 34 - The Bracha of Borei MeOrei HaAish Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Chayei Sarah 34 - Visiting A Sick Person Who Has Corona or Other Contagious Diseases34 Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Lech Lecha 34 - Quantity vs. Quality What Wins? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Mikeitz 34 - Should You Worry If You Have a Bad Dream? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Noach 34 - I Just Saw a Rainbow -Should I Tell My Neighbor? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Toldos 34 - Why Don't Many Yeshivos Do Chazoras HaShatz for Mincha? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Vayechi 34 - Are You Ever Allowed to Argue with Your Father?. Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Vayeira 34- Are You Acting Like a Person Who Lived in Sodom? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Vayeishev 34- Chanukah - Zerizus vs Hidur: Whats More Important Doing Mitzvos Promptly or Beautifully? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Vayeitzei 34- Can I Switch in the Middle of Shmonei Esrai from Mincha to Maariv? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Vayigash 34 - Should You or Should You Not Take the Corona Vaccine? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Vayishlach 34 - Learning T'nach at Night? Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now



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