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Thursday, Feb 6, 2025 Parshas Beshalach 8 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: 5-Minute Hilchos Tefillah Shiur
The following shiurim by Rabbi Moshe Rosenstein were recorded live at the Chicago Community Kollel. They are part of an ongoing series of classes and symposia taking place at the Kollel, devoted to increasing awareness and devotion to our daily Tefillos. This project was begun to serve as a zechus for cholim in our city, as well as around the world, and for our brethren in Eretz Yisroel who live in increasingly difficult times.
Level: Intermediate | Age: All Adults | Gender: both

117 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Ashrei Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Asking for our own needs on Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Asking Hashem for Miracles Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Bakashos #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Bakashos #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Birchos Hashachar Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Chanukah Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Children Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Davening for Refuah #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Davening for Refuah #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Davening for Refuah #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Davening for Refuah #4 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Davening for Refuah #5 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Davening for Refuah #6 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Davening for Someone Else to do Teshuva Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Erev Rosh Hashana - Last Minute Tips and Halachos Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Fasting on Rosh HaShana and Tekias Shofar Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Hallel #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Hallel #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Hallel #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
How is the Sheim Hashem Pronounced? Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah during Brochos Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #10 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #11 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #47 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #5 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #6 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #7 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #8 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannah in Davening #9 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kavannos Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kedushah #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kedushah #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kedushah #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kedushah #4 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Kol Nidrei Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Mitzvah of Tefilla Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Mitzvos Require Kavannah #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Mitzvos Require Kavannah #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Nusach HaTefillah #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Nusach HaTefillah #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Pesukei DiZimra #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Pesukei DiZimra #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Proper Dress for Tefillah #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Proper Dress for Tefillah #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Relating Hashem's Kindness - Rina #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Saying Pesukim by Heart #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Saying Pesukim by Heart #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Selichos Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Selichos for Elul and Aseres Yimei Teshuva # Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Selichos for Elul and Aseres Yimei Teshuva #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shabbos - Davening for personal needs Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - Interruptions during Tefillah #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - Interruptions during Tefillah #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - Makom Kavuah Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - Pausing for Kaddish and Kedusha while davening Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - Standing for Tefillah # Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - Standing for Tefillah #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - The First Three Brachos Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei - Where should one's eyes be during Tefillah? Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Shmoneh Esrei Interruptions during Tefillah #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Sitting in the Vicinity of Someone who is Davening #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Sitting in the Vicinity of Someone who is Davening #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Some powerful yet overlooked Tefillos Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tachanun #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tachanun #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah BiTzibur # Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah BiTzibur #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah BiTzibur #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah BiTzibur #4 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah BiTzibur #5 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah Derech Tachanunim #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillah Derech Tachanunim #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillas Tashlumim #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillas Tashlumim #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tefillas Tashlumim #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #4 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #5 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #6 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #7 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Answering Amen #1 - Introduction Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Answering Amen #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Answering Amen #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Answering Amen #4 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Answering Amen #5 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Answering Amen #6 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Krias Shma #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Krias Shma #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Krias Shma #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Laws of Krias Shma #4 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Prohibition to Daven When One Needs to Use the Facilities #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Prohibition to Daven When One Needs to Use the Facilities #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Saying of Vayachulu on Shabbos Night Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Shliach Tzibbur #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
The Shliach Tzibbur #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Tisha B'av Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Uva Litzion #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Uva Litzion #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Vidui (Confession) Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Walking in Front of Someone Who is Davening #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Walking in Front of Someone Who is Davening #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Walking in Front of Someone Who is Davening #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Washing Hands Before Davening Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
When Involved in a Mitzvah Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Why Tefillos are not Answered #1 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Why Tefillos are not Answered #2 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Why Tefillos are not Answered #3 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Why Tefillos are not Answered #4 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Why Tefillos are not Answered #5 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Why Tefillos are not Answered #6 Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe
Yom Kippur Rosenstein, Rabbi Moshe



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