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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 Parshas Shoftim 28 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Parsha Review by Rabbi Elazar Meisels
Are you a newcomer to Torah? Would you like to understand what's going on in the weekly Torah Portion? Then this lecture is for you. A Comprehensive review of the entire Torah portion in English for adults of all levels based on an amazing array of penetrating insights, humorous anectdotes, relevant lessons, and discussion topics for your own table.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

24 files in this series.
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Parshas Bamidbar Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Bechukosai Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas BeHaalosechah Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Behar Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
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Parshas Emor Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Ki Sissah #1 Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Ki Sissah #2 Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
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Parshas Metzora - Pesach Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
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Parshas Tazria Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Terumah Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Tetzaveh Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Toldos Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Tzav Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas VaYechi Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas VaYetzei Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Vayikra Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas VaYishlach Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now
Parshas Yisro Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Buy Now



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