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Monday, Jan 13, 2025 Parshas Shemos 13 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Chumash
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

55 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Bereishis Parshas Vayigash 1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Bereishis Parshas Vayigash 2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Bereishis Vayeichi :: Following the Path of Yaacov and Yosef Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
Chumash Parshas Vaeira #3 5763 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Bamidbar #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Bechukosai Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Bechukosai :: Getting the Blessings Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Behar Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Beshalach #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Beshalach #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Beshalach #3 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Beshalach #4 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Beshalach :: Reliving the Leaving from Egypt Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Bilaam Kahn, Rabbi Penny
Parshas Bo #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Bo #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Bo #3 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Bo :: The Order of the Plauges Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Buchukosai Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Chukas #1 Kahn, Rabbi Penny
Parshas Chukas #2 Kahn, Rabbi Penny
Parshas Emor #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Emor #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Emor #3 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Ki Sisa #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Ki Sisa #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Ki Sisa :: The Sin of the Golden Calf Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Mattos-Massei Kahn, Rabbi Penny
Parshas Mishpatim #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Mishpatim #1 Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
Parshas Mishpatim #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Mishpatim :: Helping Out the Enemy Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
Parshas Mishpatim :: The Order of Elu Mishpatim Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
Parshas Tazria-Metzora Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Terumah #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Terumah #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Terumah #3 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Terumah #4 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Terumah #5 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Tetzaveh #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Tetzaveh #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Tetzaveh #3 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayakhel #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayakhel #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayikra #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayikra :: Bringing the Karbonos (Sacrifices) Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayikra :: Sin Offerings Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayikra :: Sprinkling the Blood Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayikra :: The Free-Willed Ofrerings Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Vayikra :: What Happened to Bezalel? Haber, Rabbi Yaacov
Parshas Yisro #1 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Yisro #2 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Yisro #3 Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
Parshas Yisro The Ten Commandments Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak
The Ten Commandments Belief in Hashem and Purim Schwartz, Rabbi Yitzchak



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