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Thursday, Jan 30, 2025 Parshas Bo 1 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Koheles
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

14 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Koheles - Chapter 2, Verse 11 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 1, Mishnah 12-18 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 10, Verse 17-20, Chapter 11, Verse 1 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 11, Verse 1-6 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 3, Verse 13-17 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 3, Verse 17- end Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 3, Verse 18-22 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 3, Verse 4-12 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 4, Verse 1-5 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 4, Verse 6-12 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 5, Verse 1-4 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter 5, Verse 5-9 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles Chapter4, Verse 13-17 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch
Koheles- Chapter 2, Verse 1-4 Parnes, Rabbi Moshe Baruch



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