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Friday, Feb 7, 2025 Parshas Beshalach 9 Shvat, 5785
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Series: Halacha class JSN
This class will present the sources and background of the halacha with its practical implications.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

67 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
A Person Generally Wants a Mitzva Done With His Money Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Appointing an agent for Mitzvos (1 of 2) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Appointing an Agent for Mitzvos (2 of 2) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Balanced Spiritual Growth Leuchter, Rabbi Reuven
Belief in Torah Min HaShamayim 1 of 2 Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Birchas Hatorah (3 of 5) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Birchas Hatorah (4 of 5) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Birchas Hatorah (5 of 5) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Birkas Hatorah (1) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Birkas Hatorah (Part 2) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Can A Child Make Kiddush For an Adult? (2 d'rabonon being motzi 1 d'rabonon) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Can A Father Appoint an Agent to do Bris Mila to His Son? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Contraception in Halacha - Presentation of shitos Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Defining the Mitzvah of Tashbisu (Destroying Chometz on Pesach) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Divine Protection for Doing a Mitzvah Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Erasing the Name of Hashem in Missionary Books Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Extinguishing Flame on Yom Tov - Part II Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Extinguishing on Yom Tov - Part I Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Family Purity - Taharas Hamishpacha (1 of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Family Purity - Taharas Hamishpacha (2 of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Family Purity - Taharas Hamishpacha (3 of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Feeding the Sick on Tisha Bav Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Function of Melech Yisroel (Role of Jewish King) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Geirus: Accepting All Mitzvos Except One - Part 1 of 2 Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Geirus: Accepting All Mitzvos Except One - Part 2 of 2 Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Gid Ha'Nashe and the concept of "Achshavei" Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
International Dateline in Halacha Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Is it right to follow a wrong p'sak? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Is one chayev for intending to do an issur? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Is one permitted to make a Shehechiyanu during the 3 weeks? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Is Sefiras HaOmer a time bound mitzvah? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Kashering for Pesach 1 of 2 Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Kashering for Pesach 2 of 2 Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Kavod HaBriyos Pushing off Issurim Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Kiddush HaChodesh Greenblatt, Rav Nota
Laws of Pesach (Cleaning and Kashering) - '07 Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Laws of Yom Tov (Cooking...) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Lishma vs. Kavana: Is machshava sufficient or is dibur required? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Netilas Lulav: Defining "Taking" Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Ona'as Devarim: Verbally Paining A Fellow Jew Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Pictures of Solar System Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Pikuach Nefesh: The Lesser of the Two Evils Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Pinchas: The heter to kill Zimri and Kazbi Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Practice Makes Perfect: Rosh Hashana Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Preparing Your Home and Kitchen for Pesach Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Presentation of Contraception Sugya (1 of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Presentation of Contraception sugya (2 of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Presentation of Contraception sugya (3 of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Purim: Reading Megillah for Those with a Different level of Obligation - כל שאינו מחוייב בדבר אינו מוציא את הרבים י"ח Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Rav Chaim (Brisk) on Kavana for Tefillah Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Reading Megilla in safeik walled cities Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Reading Megillah with a Minyan Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Relying on an Agent Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Restoring Semicha Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Returning To Egypt (How did Rambam live in Mitzrayim?) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Sefiras Haomer: Aninus Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Shabbos: What's Cooking? Part II (of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Shabbos: What's Cooking? Part III (of 3) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Status of Children in Mitzvos / Lifnei Iver Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Status Of Mis'aseik Violations (unintentional) Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Succah 31a Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Succah 31a Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Summary of Laws of Yayin Nesech Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Surgery to a Parent Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
Tzitzis: At What Moment does the Mitzvah Begin? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
What is the Halachic status of a mitzvah done for personal gain? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi
When is their a penalty for owning Chometz on Pesach? Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi



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