Series: Halacha class JSN |
This class will present the sources and background of the halacha with its practical implications. |
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both |
Title |
Speaker |
A Person Generally Wants a Mitzva Done With His Money |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Appointing an agent for Mitzvos (1 of 2) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Appointing an Agent for Mitzvos (2 of 2) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Balanced Spiritual Growth |
Leuchter, Rabbi Reuven |
Belief in Torah Min HaShamayim 1 of 2 |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Birchas Hatorah (3 of 5) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Birchas Hatorah (4 of 5) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Birchas Hatorah (5 of 5) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Birkas Hatorah (1) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Birkas Hatorah (Part 2) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Can A Child Make Kiddush For an Adult? (2 d'rabonon being motzi 1 d'rabonon) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Can A Father Appoint an Agent to do Bris Mila to His Son? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Contraception in Halacha - Presentation of shitos |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Defining the Mitzvah of Tashbisu (Destroying Chometz on Pesach) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Divine Protection for Doing a Mitzvah |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Erasing the Name of Hashem in Missionary Books |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Extinguishing Flame on Yom Tov - Part II |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Extinguishing on Yom Tov - Part I |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Family Purity - Taharas Hamishpacha (1 of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Family Purity - Taharas Hamishpacha (2 of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Family Purity - Taharas Hamishpacha (3 of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Feeding the Sick on Tisha Bav |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Function of Melech Yisroel (Role of Jewish King) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Geirus: Accepting All Mitzvos Except One - Part 1 of 2 |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Geirus: Accepting All Mitzvos Except One - Part 2 of 2 |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Gid Ha'Nashe and the concept of "Achshavei" |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
International Dateline in Halacha |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Is it right to follow a wrong p'sak? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Is one chayev for intending to do an issur? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Is one permitted to make a Shehechiyanu during the 3 weeks? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Is Sefiras HaOmer a time bound mitzvah? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Kashering for Pesach 1 of 2 |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Kashering for Pesach 2 of 2 |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Kavod HaBriyos Pushing off Issurim |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Kiddush HaChodesh |
Greenblatt, Rav Nota |
Laws of Pesach (Cleaning and Kashering) - '07 |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Laws of Yom Tov (Cooking...) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Lishma vs. Kavana: Is machshava sufficient or is dibur required? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Netilas Lulav: Defining "Taking" |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Ona'as Devarim: Verbally Paining A Fellow Jew |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Pictures of Solar System |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Pikuach Nefesh: The Lesser of the Two Evils |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Pinchas: The heter to kill Zimri and Kazbi |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Practice Makes Perfect: Rosh Hashana |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Preparing Your Home and Kitchen for Pesach |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Presentation of Contraception Sugya (1 of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Presentation of Contraception sugya (2 of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Presentation of Contraception sugya (3 of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Purim: Reading Megillah for Those with a Different level of Obligation - כל שאינו מחוייב בדבר אינו מוציא את הרבים י"ח |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Rav Chaim (Brisk) on Kavana for Tefillah |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Reading Megilla in safeik walled cities |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Reading Megillah with a Minyan |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Relying on an Agent |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Restoring Semicha |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Returning To Egypt (How did Rambam live in Mitzrayim?) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Sefiras Haomer: Aninus |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Shabbos: What's Cooking? Part II (of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Shabbos: What's Cooking? Part III (of 3) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Status of Children in Mitzvos / Lifnei Iver |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Status Of Mis'aseik Violations (unintentional) |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Succah 31a |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Succah 31a |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Summary of Laws of Yayin Nesech |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Surgery to a Parent |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
Tzitzis: At What Moment does the Mitzvah Begin? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
What is the Halachic status of a mitzvah done for personal gain? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |
When is their a penalty for owning Chometz on Pesach? |
Lebowitz, Rabbi Avi |