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Wednesday, May 8, 2024 Parshas Kedoshim 30 Nisan, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Weekly Parsha Shiur, 5774 - Parsha Plan
In-depth study of a theme of the week's Torah portion, drawing on primary sources in Midrash and classic works of Jewish thought. Lecture format. This year the focus will be on the 5th Aliyah of each Parsha.
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

27 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Acharei Mos - Better than the Egyptians-5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Balak - Bilaam, Take 2- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Beshalach 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bo- 5th Aliyah - From Slavery to Servitude Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Chayei Sarah- Passing the Patriarchal Baton- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Emor - 5th Aliyah - Hidden Concepts Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Kedoshim - Avodah- Receiving His Goodness- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Ki Savo - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Ki Seitzei - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Lech Lecha- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Matos - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Metzora - Tumah Doesn't Come Inside-5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Mishpatim - True Clarity - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Naso - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Nitzavim Vayeilech - Fifth Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Pikudei - 5th Aliyah - The Mishkan and the Completion of Creation Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Pinchas - Korbanos - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shelach - Wine, Bread & Human Effort- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shemini - Playing With Fire- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shemos - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shoftim - 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tazria - Recognizing the Bad for What it's Worth- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Terumah - 5th Aliyah - Cautious Connection Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tetzaveh-5th aliyah - The Sanctification of Aharon and His Sons Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Toldos-The Outer World & Inner World of Yaakov and Eisav- Fifth Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Vayakhel - 5th Aliyah - Betzalel's Role in Building the Aron and the Mishkan Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Vayeishev- The Bread of Potiphar and the Bread of Mitzrayim- 5th Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe



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