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Monday, May 13, 2024 Parshas Emor 5 Iyyar, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Weekly Parsha Themes
Level: Advanced | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

296 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
BaMidbar - Shavuos 5769 / 2009 A Kingdom of Aristocrats Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
BeHa'aloscha 5769 / 2009 Measuring Up Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
BeHar BeChukosai 5769 / 2009 A Grand Finale to VaYikra Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Beraishis 5769 - From Tishrei to Beraishis Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Beshalach 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
BeShalach 5769 / 2009 The Sea Loses an Argument Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Bo 5769 / 2008 Klal Yisrael Confronts Mitzrayim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Chanukah 5771 - Golus in Yerushalayim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Chanukah 5772 - Finding a Place for the Ribono shel Olam Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Chanukah 5773.- Some Thoughts on Al HaNisim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Chanukah 5774 - A Succos/Chanukah Partnership Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Chayey Sarah 5769 / 2008 Rivkah as Yitzchak's Ideal Shiduch Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Chukas Balak 5769 / 2009 - Realities that Are Not So Real Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Devarim 5769 / 2009 Devarim 1:1: A very Exciting Pasuk!! Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Eikev 5769 - Nachamu - Seeking Comfort is not Easy Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Emor 5769 / 2009 The Ribono shel Olam's Embassy Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Ki Sisa 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Korach 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Korach 5769 / 2009 - Exploring the Milky Way Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Lech LeCha 5771 - Exile an an Ideal? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Matos Masey 5769 / 2009 An Interupted Narrative? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Miketz 5769 / 2008 Yosef's Relationship to Yaakov and Binyomin Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Mishpatim 5769 / 2009 Of Oxen, Pits and Sanctity Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Noso - Shavuos 5769 / 2009 Shavuos and the Nazir Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Noso 5769 / 2009 - The Positives Side of Failures Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parchas VaYeitzei 5770 - What you see is NOT what you get Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parchas VaYishlach 5770 - Of Coins, Markets and Baths Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas AchareiMos - Kedoshim 5772 - The Sanctity of the Physical Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Achrei Mos-Kedoshim 5770 - Pesach Celebrates the Korban Pesach Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Balak 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Balak 5770 - Balak After Chukas Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Balak 5771 - What Bil'am Did Not Realize Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Balak 5772 - Moshe and Bilam Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Balak 5773 - Klal Yisrael in This World and Beyond Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BaMidbar 5772 - Yehudah Leads the Way Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeChukosai 5771 - The Mysterious World of Arachin Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeHa'aloscha 5773 - Pesach Sheini and Birkas Zimun Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeHa'aloschah 5770 - Finding Individuality within the Klal Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeHa'aloschah 5772 - It Is Our Duty to be Happy Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Behaaloscha Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Behar Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeHar BeChukosai 5772 - The Peak of Toras Kohanim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeHar- BeChukosai 5770 - The Beauty of Komah Zekufah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeHar-BeChukosai 5773 - The Most Holy Moment in the Jewish Experience Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeMidbar 5770 - "Values" and "values" Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeMidbar 5771 - The Future of the Degalim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeMidbar 5773 - Justice and Beauty Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bereishis Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bereishis - Noach 5771 - Does God Have Needs? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Beshalach 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeShalach 5770 - In the Sea Between Two Walls of Water Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeShalach 5771 - A Threesome of Shiros Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeShalach 5772 - Plans A and B for dealing with the sea Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas BeShalach 5773 - We Are Left With a Question Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bo 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bo 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bo 5771 - Of Cats and Mice Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bo 5772 - Of Silent Dogs Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bo 5773 - Jewish Idol Worship in Egypt Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Bo 5774 - Flying Bufallos ??? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chaye Sarah 5770 - Preparations for a Strange Pregnancy Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chaye Sarah 5773 - Avraham Shoulders his Responsibilities Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chayei Sarah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chayei Sarah 5772 - Yitzchak, The Olah Temimah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chayey Sarah 5771 - Yitzchak Avinu Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chayey Sarah 5774 - Of Husbands and Wives Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chukas Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chukas 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chukas 5770 - Parah Adumah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chukas 5771 - Filling Thirty Eight Years Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chukas 5772 - Finding Hope Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Chukas 5773 - BeMidbar, A Split Sefer Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Devarim - Tish'a BeAv 5772 - More on the Kodesh HaKodoshim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Devarim 5770 - Moshe Rabbeinu Needs Some Help Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Devarim 5771 - When "Audio" turns "Video" Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Eikev 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Eikev 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Eikev 5770 - The Mezuzah as Sentry Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Eikev 5771 - Of Threes and Sevens Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Eikev 5772 - More on the Seven Weeks of Comfort Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Emor - Lag BeOmer 5773 - The Complexities of Loving Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Emor 5770 - We Are All "Kohanim" Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Emor 5772 - It Is Nice to Feel Holy Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ha'azinu 5769 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ha'azinu 5770 - Rosh HaShanah 5771 - What Kind of Life? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ha'azinu 5773 - The Ribono shel Olam Davens Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ha'azinu 5773 - Yom Kippur - Ani, Ani, Hu Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Haazinu 5771 - Rosh HaShanah Flows into Ha'azinu Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Savo 5770 - Rosh HaShanah 5771 - Are There Trenches in our Heads? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Savo 5771 - What! No gravity? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Savo 5773 - Kabolas Malchus Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Savo and Rosh Hashana 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Savoh 5772 - The Advantages of Being Considered an "Elyon" Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Seitzei - Ki Sovo 5769 - A Grand Finale Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Seitzei 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Seitzei 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Seitzei 5771 - The Ribono shel Olam as Melech HaKavod Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Seitzei 5772 - Bad Kings - Bad Choices Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Sisa 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Sisa 5770 - Actions, Both Toughtful and Thoughtless Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Sisa 5771 - Ani Es Dakkah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Ki Sisa 5773 - Strength and Beauty Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas KiSeitzei 5770 - Does Amolek have a Point? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas KiSeitzei 5773 - Yaakov Remains Alone Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Korach - Shavuos 5771 - Kings and Shepherds Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Korach 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Korach 5770 - The Songs of the Waves Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Korach 5772 - Songs of Sorrow Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Korach 5773 - Korach [perhaps somewhat redeemed?] Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Korach 5774 - Textual Puzzles Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Lech Lecha Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Lech Lecha 5769 - Avraham's Economics Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Lech Lecha 5770 - Feeling "At Home" in Eretz Yisrael Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Lech Lecha 5772 - God as Warrior Finds a Home in the Bais HaMIkdash Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Lech Lecha 5773 - Sizing Down an Army Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Lech Lecha 5774 - Fathers to the Nations Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Masey 5771 - Dealing With Mitzrayim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Matos Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Matos 5771 - Analyzing Parshas Pinchas Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Matos Masey 5772 - Tish'a Be'Av Then and Now Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Matos-Masey 5770 - Fond Memories Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Miketz Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Miketz 5770 - Jewish Beauty Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpatim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpatim 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpatim 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpatim 5770 - What Do We Tell Our Wise Son? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpatim 5771 - Mishpatim at Sinai Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpatim 5772 - Don't covet! Please don't covet! Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpatim 5774 - Mishpatim as Bein Adam LaMokom Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Mishpotim 5773 - A Different Kind Of Mishpot Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Nitzavim - VaYeilech 5771 - How "one" is "One"? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Nitzavim 5772 - Rosh HaShanah - Beauty is Beautiful Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Nitzavim VaYeilech 5770 - Rosh HaShanah 5771 - The Ribono shel Olam's Mishpat Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5769 - Jewish Posture: Standing Straight or Lying Flat? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas No'ach 5770 - The World Gets a Second Chance Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas No'ach 5772 - The Ribono shel Olam's battles Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Noach Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Noach 5769 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Noso - Shavu'os 5770 - Working on Our Posture Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Noso 5771 - Continuation from BeMidbar Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Noso 5772 - Kings Have Unusual Hearts Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Noso 5774 - The HaBo'im Mitzraymoh Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Nosso 5773 - Finding One's Place Within Klal Yisrael Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Pekudei 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Pikudei 5774 - The Second Chomesh Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Pinchas 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Pinchos 5770 - Bilam's Plot Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Pinchos 5771 - Bila'am Was Not Such a Failure Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Pinchos 5772 - The Mysterious World of the Kana'i Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Pinchos 5773 - Are We or Are We Not Friends of the Ribono shel Olam? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Re'ah 5769 - Eretz Yisrael is Different Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Re'ei 5771 - Handsome Jews Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Re'Ei 5772 - On Friendship Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Re'ei 5773 - A Little Grammar and a Lot of Inspiration Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Re'eih 5770 - Two Ways of Looking at Pesach Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Reah 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Reah 5768 - A Yid is a Sefer Torah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Sh'lach Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shelach - Shavuos 5771 - Yedid Nefesh Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shelach 5772 - Failures on the Way to the Promised Land Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemini - Pesach 5772 - Pesach and neggel vasser Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemini 5770 - Post Pesach Worries Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemini 5774 - The Eighth Day that "Wasn't" Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemos 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemos 5770 - Perfect Mechutanim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemos 5771 - Standing Tall Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemos 5772 - A Different Kind of War Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemos 5773 - Four Hundred Years of What? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shemos 5774 - Golden Hooks/Golden Star Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shlach 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shlach 5770 - If Only... Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shlach 5773 - Rejecting Greatness Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shmos Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shofetim 5771 - The Warrior King Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shoftim 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shoftim 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shoftim 5769 - Private And Public Persona Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shoftim 5770 - Torah She'be'al'peh, Battling for Insights Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shoftim 5772 - Jumping Jumps Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Shoftim 5773 - Enjoying Olam HaZeh? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Terumah 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Terumah 5770 - Potential Clashes Between Individual and Communal Interests Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Terumah 5771 - How to Build a Mishkan Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Terumah 5772 - A Star-Studded Mishkan Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Terumah 5773 - Body and Soul Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Terumah 5774 - Special Crown For G-d Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Tetzaveh - Purim 5770 - Where is Purim in Tetzaveh? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Tetzaveh 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Tetzaveh 5771 - Hilchesah LiMeshichah? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas TeTzaveh 5772 - "War" in the Bais HaMikdash Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Tetzaveh 5773 - Two Purim Riddles Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Tetzaveh 5774 - The "BedChamber" Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Toldos Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Toldos 5766 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Toldos 5770 - A Different Kind of Av Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Toldos 5771 - Battle in the Womb Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Toldos 5772 - The Limits of the Gravitational Pull Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Toldos 5773 - Longing for Eretz Yisreal Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Toldos 5774 - Enjoying Olam HaZeh Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Tzav - Purim 5771 - Ad Chatzi HaMalchus Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Tzav - Shabos HaGadol - Matzos and Mitzvos Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Va'eira 5774 - The Mishkan Components have "Names"! Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Va'Eschanan 5770 - The Two Faces of Va'Eschanan Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Va'Eschanan Tish'a BeAv 5771 - The (relative) beauty of Distance Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaEira 5771 - Tziporah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaEira 5772 - The World of the Plagues Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaEira 5773 - S'forno on the Makkos Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaEirah 5770 - Speech and Silence Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vaera Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vaera 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vaera 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaEschanan 5772 - From Mourning to Love Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaEschanan 5773 - Tisha BeAv Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayakhel 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYakhel 5771 - A Happy Marriage Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYakhel 5774 - Eliezer Eved Avraham and the Mishkan Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYakhel-Pikudei - Eternal Sanctuaries Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYakhel-Pikudei 5773 - Daring to Dare Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYakhel-Pikudei Pesach 5772 - Zeman Cheiruseinu Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayechi Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayechi 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayechi 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYechi 5770 - Burial by the Wayside Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYechi 5771 - From Fox to King Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYechi 5772 - Living in a Land of Mystery Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYechi 5774 - Yaakov's Farewell to his Children Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeilech 5773 - Ha'azinu and Moshe Rabbeinu Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayeira Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeira 5770 - Salt, Nostalgia and Emancipation Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeira 5771 - Yishma'el Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeira 5772 - Avraham's Prayer Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeira 5773 - Avraham as Father of Mankind Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeira 5774 - Avos: Avraham Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayeishev Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeishev - Chanukah 5770 - Yosef Hatzadik and Chanukah: A Great Shiduch Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayeishev 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayeishev 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeishev 5772 - The Songs of Birds and Fish Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeishev 5774 - Shimchah Yaakov Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeitzei Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayeitzei 5766 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayeitzei 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeitzei 5771 - Yaakov Avinu as a Ben Olam HaBa Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeitzei 5772 - The Bais HaMikdash as a Place to Feel At Home Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYeitzei 5773 - Yosef and Binyamin Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayigash Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayigash 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayigash 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYigash 5770 - Play Acting in Mitzrayim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYigash 5771 - 5,000,000 Trees Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYigash 5773 - Yosef and Binyamin Celebrate Purim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYikra - Why VaYikra Follows Pikudei Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYikra 5771 - The World of Korbonos Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayikra 5772 Pesach - Speedy Bread Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYikra 5774 - VaYikra and Shema Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayishlach Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayishlach 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Vayishlach 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYishlach 5771 - Yaakov Remains Awake Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYishlach 5772 - Kalle Lasn and the Jews Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYishlach 5773 - Interplay Between Yosef and Binyamin Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas VaYishlach 5774 - VaYishlach, Chanukah and Succos: What a Threesome! Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro 5767 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro 5770 - Do You Want to Learn Better? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro 5771 - A Meeting Atop the Mountain Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro 5772 - An Eloquent VaV in Mishpatim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro 5773 - Goy Kadosh Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Parshas Yisro 5774 - Mazel Tov on Yom Chasunoso Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Pashas Korach Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Pesach 5774 - Yaakov Determins that Israel Will Strike Roots in Mitzrayim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Pinchas 5769 / 2009 - Honorary Kehunah? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Purim 5772 - Purim and the Smart Phone Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Rosh Hashana and Parshas Ki Savo - 5768 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Shavuos - Lessons from Bechukosai I Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Shemos 5769 / 2008 - A New Actor On the Stage of History Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Shlach 5769 / 2009 - Reading Beneath the Lines Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Tazria 5769 / 2009 - A New Take On Asher Yotzar Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Terumah 5769 / 2009 - The Mishkan: Then and Now Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Tetzaveh 5769 / 2009 - Between the Keruvim Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Toldos 5769 / 2008 Eisav struggling in the womb Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaEira 5769 / 2008 Slavery and Redemption II Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaEschanan 5769 - Tish'ah BeAv - P'shat and Drash in Eretz Yisrael Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYakhel 5769 / 2009 Worlds of P'shat and D'rash Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYechi 5769 / 2008 Binyamin and Asarah BaTeives Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYeiro 5769 Eternal Strangers Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYeishev 5769 / 2008 - Yosef HaTzadik and Chanukah Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYeitzei 5769 - 2008 A Suspended Ladder Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYigash 5769 / 2008 Of Wagons and Unholy Possessions Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYikra 5768 - Introduction to Korbonos Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYikra 5769 / 2009 The Table as Mizbe'ach Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
VaYishlach 5769 / 2008 Dinah's Tragedy Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Yisro 5769 / 2009 God is my King. And what else? Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe
Yom Kippur Leads into Succos 5722 Eisemann, Rabbi Moshe



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