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Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025 Parshas Ki Sisa 11 Adar, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Ki MiTzion Lecture Series
Live interactive video conference from Jerusalem, Israel with an audience at The Center for Jewish Education in Baltimore, MD featuring a series of outstanding teachers on a variety of compelling topics.
Level: Introductory | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

9 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
A Jewish Prescription for Emotional Health Becker, Rabbi Dr. Ephraim D
Journey Through the Pardes: The Four Levels of the Soul Winston, Rabbi Pinchas
Judaism and Islam Spiro, Rabbi Ken
Light: The First Creation of the Physical World Schroeder, Dr. Gerald
Positive Parenting: Keys to inspiring positive attitudes Greenwald, Rabbi Zecharya
The Footsteps of the Messiah: The best of times or the worst of times Berger, Rabbi Motty
The Messianic Concept: Why do we need it? Berger, Rabbi Motty
The Middle East Conflict - When Hope is Gone: An Optimist's Perspective Rosenblum, Rabbi Jonathan
The Passover Seder: What are we trying to accomplish? Leff, Rabbi Zev



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